
Russia released some head-scratching recommendations for how its citizens should act when traveling abroad
Russia's Foreign Ministry told its citizens how they should behave while abroad in recommendations ranging from humorous to outrageous.

These seem very reasonable tidbits and worthy of relaying.
Is the insinuation that needing to be told these things means they are less worldly?
Perhaps one may feel needing to be told these things means they are less refined?
Is it hard to imagine that if one did what was warned against it would create problems?
Is it hard to imagine if flamboyant, muscularly weak, and emotionally unstable men attempted to fit into Russian social groups they would be immediately noticed and called out as infiltrators?
Maybe some Russians can be coarse, masculine, and/or harsh as compared to some from elsewhere in the western world.
Maybe societies that embrace masculinity scoff at those that embrace feminism rather than respect femininity.
Feminism has created generations of pussified and emasculated males while at the same time butching and defeminizing of women.
Seems to me the Russians are more in touch with the nature of humanity...

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