
Questioning the Implications of the New Covenant in the Bible:

A snippet from a debate in the comment sections of an atheists YouTube video...(link)

Is a new covenant with our Lord within the law of our King God?
+StevenSmith    That the 'laws' changed and there needed to be a new messenger in the form of a direct envoy from the alleged Heavens points to the inspiration behind the Bible (call it God, Jaweh, Jehovah, whatever) being anything but infallible as He/It didn't get the message/messanger right to begin with.
As for any Nation being given preferential treatment or 'rising' against another as in Revelations, none of that would be possible without the consequences that God inflicted on people at the Tower of Babel.
The Bible is clearly not the work of any divine, infallible entity.
I have no clue as to whether one does or doesn't exist, I just think the evidence for all Holy books being of human origin is far more compelling...
+Mactheknife1978    I'm not sure that the laws changed, or were wrong, so much as after time progressed someone many considered the messiah was followed by a new group that splintered off of the main trunk.
As gentiles are not Jews they are not God's chosen people and as believers in the messiah they are under a new covenant with Jesus as their lord. The Jews did not suddenly have new laws and become Christians as it appears the above arguments in your and other comments make.
It is not, to me, a question of God's infallibility so much as God had called us a lost cause and was ready to wipe us for good as we blew the second chance, post flood, but Jesus who walked in our shoes for a while said we knew not what we do and we were then held to judgement as to our true intent rather than our actual performance.
My curiosity doesn't rest on who wrote the bible so much as who made the tablets, ten commandments.
Regarding the tower of Babel, I find it appalling that the EU was signed into being under a statue of Nimrod and the buildings design was modeled after paintings of that very tower. It's not daring. It's more like teenage rebellious fodder. IMHO
+StevenSmith    Isn't God supposed to be 'all knowing'?
With that in mind, He would know that it was futile sending his 'only begotten son' to his eventual tortuos death which does seem pretty badly thought through at best, downright callous at worst...
+Mactheknife1978     My take on the "all knowing" part of God deals with the emotional aspects of being. I believe when we were cast in his image we were cast as beings with emotions and intellectual capabilities rather than simply as mammals that can use tools.
God gave us the ability to use our free will to choose to follow or to be disobedient.
Saying God is all-knowing in a literalist fashion is akin to saying superman is super fast and super slow or super smart and super stupid all at the same time...
For me it is a question of "what led someone, perhaps a writer of one of the books in the bible, to the point of writing a phrase or a particular attribute?, was it seen through the eyes of someone with less scientific understanding of the natural mechanisms surrounding him/her? would a natural event potentially common to others but never seen by the writer cause a belief of miracle?"
Some children in the city believe corn comes in cans and is astounded to learn that it is a plant that grows and is harvested.
Before NASA and satellites and photos, and video if you were to take a human on a journey in space, be you God or alien, what would that person say to describe what he saw?
+StevenSmith    So the writers with their differing views and levels of understanding were/are unreliable sources and therefore ineffective messengers?
The same God who inspired the prophetic writings in the book of Revelations, amongst other alleged prophecies, couldn't foresee that the message would be diluted, misinterpreted and/or changed before ever being written down doesn't sound like He/She/It is half as powerful and unquestionable as some apologetics make out...
+Mactheknife1978    Guess that depends upon what encompasses your/their definition of powerful.
If powerful again relies upon knowing the result of every individuals choice based upon a free will decision then I guess not.
Personally, the power to kill or create is separate from the knowledge gained from insight or introspective examination.
I can have power over my children or other humans as a man but choose to nurture, teach, and console rather than amuse myself with their torture.
All punishment seems like treachery to the punished. When it comes down on them do they respond with rebellion, tantrum, respect, learn, or look up to his nemesis?
It is just like parents of teens being in charge of a huge sleepover party. Teens have adult emotions with no control just as clicks of adults devolve into when they self segregate into factions of like minded groups.
What's the "powerful" to do?

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