
A store clerk rejected her 'dirty jar' of pennies. She came back with guns.
Police say they have been tipped off to the possible identity of a woman who tried to pay for goods using what authorities described as an "old, dirty jar of pennies," before getting into an argument and threatening to kill the store clerk when he rejected the payment method.

She looks like a poster child for feminism and/or gay rights as she is literally a man with a vagina all the way down to temper and attitude.
No femininity here, she looks and acts like what the little rich boys in suburbs listen to and idolize.
With any luck one day all those boys will grow up to be as manly and unbridled as this woman was.
Her look style and attitude is so popular right now that she is literally the epitome of the stereotype of everyone looking the same as neutral gender, skin tone, hairstyle, dress, attitude - likely speech and sneaker style as well.
My children and many of their friends could easily dress to look like that and most do.
I occasionally do some warehouse work and can honestly say that 10% or more of the staffing, male and/or female, would be difficult to differentiate from her in a lineup unless you knew them personally enough to notice the minute details.
She is the wave of the future if America continues on its current path…

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