
Scarlett Johansson is Complicit in Demonizing the Children of a Politician!

Scarlett Johansson gives her best impression of someone with couth and poise...
Scarlett Johansson gives her best impression of someone with couth and poise...
Is Scarlett Johansson complicit in demonizing the children of someone that has different political views?
In her latest appearance on Saturday Night Live she and the others act out a "comedy" skits that implies Ivanka Trump-Kushner is involved in an illegal or wrong doing.
It shows her seeing herself as her father, President Donald Trump, when she looks in the mirror.
They portrayed women that segregated themselves and placed themselves beneath her as they look upwards to the pedestal they placed her upon until they resent her vocally in derogatory manner due to coveting the level of importance they themselves mentally placed her in as the laughter of the studio audience, obeying a cue card held up under direction assigned by a producer, chimes in exactly at the moment our click of emotional under dogs snapped into rebellion against the power they perceive Ivanka to have over them.
Victims by their own hand as they perceive themselves as less important...
Victims by their own hand as they perceive themselves as less important...
This skit appears to be used as a means to trigger the television viewer into a state of subliminal opposition to Ivanka due to an instinctive reflexive human trait of protecting the victimized and bonding in agreement and camaraderie with the underdogs that placed her importance above their own.
The act closes with the quip that attacks her husband as though men may also place themselves in similar disposition and in doing so solidifies the perception through imposing the idea that they are colluding as a united front intent on malice.
This is blatant propaganda through political bias that attacks the daughter of a man they dislike and is surely a hit piece, yet again, under the guise of humor!
These actresses are obviously complicit in portraying women that perceive themselves as less important or below Ivanka merely to stir an emotional response from the viewer!
Definition and examples as given by Oxford Living Dictionary
Definition and examples as given by Oxford Living Dictionary
It is a positive trait that one wants to foster or protect others but it is done underhandedly to make the audience subliminally and/or emotionally oppose her entire family simply to aggravate and distress her father.
Stop being manipulated!
Stop allowing these liberal outlets to attack children and family members of politicians!
Don't allow yourself to be taken by emotional trickery!
Don't believe that was their intent?
Read the definition and examples of usage for the word they purposely chose to project upon her (link) and watch the video again (below).
You tell me what other conclusions could possibly be drawn...

Scarlett Johansson plays Ivanka Trump on 'SNL' (link)

Introducing Complicit, a new fragrance for Ivanka Trump (Scarlett Johansson).
Scarlett Johansson stepped into Ivanka Trump's high-heeled shoes on this week's Saturday Night Live to deliver a diabolical impersonation of America's First Daughter. After Alec Baldwin reprised his Trump impression to kick off the show, Johansson donned a long blonde wig and a smoky eye to play Ivanka in a fake commercial for her clothing line's new fragrance, cheekily titled "Complicit." "She's beautiful. She's powerful. She's complicit," the commercial's sultry voice-over said as Johansson-…
Preceding title and snippet are from a share link of MSN's "TV News" page.

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