
The Planned Victimization of Google Spreads...

The Planned Cry of Google as a Victim Spreads...
The Planned Cry of Google as a Victim Spreads...
Google backlash widens (link)
Johnson & Johnson joined Verizon and AT&T in suspending digital advertising on Google's YouTube site over concerns their ads run next to offensive videos. Fred Katayama reports.

Is this a planned scheme for us to think Google is a victim?
The UN loving NWO corporations are pressuring Google to kill videos about subjects they don't approve of by means of defunding them as is heir right as an individual (person, legal fiction) yet those same corporations are the ones that fight against an individual's right (person, natural born) to express their personal views through speech, expression, or lack of service to those they disagree with morally.
So this is merely yet another chapter in the same story only reported in a way that makes it appear as though it is something new merely to soften the blow of the progressive march of incremental reduction of the inalienable rights of natural born people.
Um, This is staged folks.
"They" want you to emotionally feel a need to protect Google then subconsciously you will trust in them even more...
. of "them"...

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