
Has Everyone Finally Gone Over the Deep End?

Is it just me or does it appear to others as well that the whole world has begun to drink their own Kool-Aid?

Morning Joe Scarborough with mouth agape
I can't believe MSN doesn't have a disclaimer before the story implying this is an editorial!
I can't remember the last time I read something this biased, slanted, or inciting.
From calling our Commander in Chief "Amateur President" and the White House clumsy to appointing himself as having the only objective perspective by stating what stories are "news" and which organizations are either ignoring or misrepresenting it the author of this piece shows how self important he is.
This is actually worse than watching Cenk and Ana being disingenuous on a just for clicks episode of TYT!
Today's commentary based upon what feelings came to mind after being slapped in the face and dragged through the muck by "Fox Ignores the News While 'Morning Joe'™ Scarborough Foams at the Mouth" on MSN (link) written by Joe Lapointe for The New York Observer.

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