
Today's YouTube Epiphany

Thinking for yourself is A-Okay and due to differing personal experiences every single individual person has their own unique perception of reality.
Whether or not you consider someone evil is up to your individual perception and that too is Okay.
It would be nice to have a deep secluded hide-a-way...
It gets old explaining the many facets of understanding put forth in a single comment to each and every person that does not contain the depth or experience to comprehend that layers of knowledge exist behind every statement, even those they might not agree with.

I find those that react emotionally lack experience and those with experience seldom react to their emotions.


Should've known by the channel's name I was in for a ride...
Suffice it is safe to say I should expect this when commenting on a video an atheist put out that uses a cartoon to explain why God is bad.
- lol!
The video the discussion was based upon was titled "I Asked a Pastor the Same Question that Made his Daughter an Atheist!".
I assumed clickbait but, low and behold, the author was serious as the video began with a simple to answer question about the difference between behavioral expectations and punishment between the old and the new testaments.
The question was answered quite quickly and very directly explaining that there was a new covenant and touching base upon what that meant.
The video then paused as the cartoon conveyed a jaw drop only to misrepresent the entire argument by framing the old and new testament as God changing his mind on a whim and the unfairness and how mean he must be - seriously.
The arguments were all empty and attempted to use logic as a means to explain existential reason.
If you are not well versed in the reason and understanding of the Bible and/or the relationship between simple things like God, Jesus, the new and the old Testament or are already brainwashed into thinking science has proven "God is fake" I don't suggest watching the video as it is a framework of logical farce but if your knowledge and faith are well rooted you might find humor in how empty some of the arguments and reactions are.
Many comments in I was told I was evil for disagreeing with Atheism and I needed to find a hidden bunker and disappear in it.
- lol...
Needless to say, I decided I was done revisiting youth and bowed out with what hopefully left the young readers the ability to gain some insight.

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