
Media's bias: Sales, Satire, and Sorry Attitude

Playing into the denial of media's bias: Sales, Satire, and Sorry Attitude.

SNL backdrops as a selling point for a book and outlook
So there I was going about my daily routine when this story caught my eye, a puff piece to promote a book on CBS News titled:
Is Comedy Too-Liberal and Unfair to Donald Trump? (link)
The setup, perhaps purposely started out exactly as most other articles these days. She started the segment by referring to everyone involved using both their formal title and name except for one person...
There were comedians Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Alec Baldwin, the author of the book Steven Johnson, our Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and Senator Elizabeth Warren but why only "Mister" was used for the title of our nation's top

Melissa McCarthy plays Press Secretary Sean Spicer
executive is merely another show of lack of respect for the POTUS and our Commander in Chief, President Trump.
Why would everyone mentioned have a title but the highest ranking office among them?
The interview proceeded to play bits from Saturday Night Live, SNL, of the latest from each of the above comedians as their portrayal dehumanized and undermined the importance and authority of each office and person before it cut to the author in London.
After showing the latest skit from Alec Baldwin's portrayal of President Trump calling female Judges stewardesses, asserting the immigration order was baseless, and that our president was signing orders without

Kate McKinnon plays Senator Elizabeth Warren
reading them the Brit from Guardian studios smiles as he says SNL is purposely making choices, like casting female actresses to portray male figures, to get under "Trumps" skin.
The anchorwoman concurs and adds in "throwing punchlines when you want to throw punches".
The book's author replied, "Political satire is as important as it's ever been for protest and resistance".
The reporter then questioned. "Can comedy be more 'equal opportunity' rather than being so one sided?"
Well, sadly, It would appear not as his response was that even he felt our president was correct, at least regarding the comedic media, that there was, in fact, an intended and organized bias against him.

Alec Baldwin demeans and reduces President Donald Trump
He stated that comedy was left leaning and that it is only going to go more to the left due to what he said was a quasi-authoritarian white house.
He cites the progressives as being on the side of the underdogs and against the powerful as a reason for why he feels there's a more natural fit for liberal biased comedic acts as he actively begins laughing at our President and calls him our "Media Critic-in-Chief".
As the reporter continues to support the foundation the book author provides as the base of the book being promoted under the premise of a News story

Steven Johnson, the author of the book pitched as news
they envisioned a future of the democratic machine as being headed by none other than Samantha Bee and/or Stephen Colbert and spoke to their potential as Presidential picks next go around.
Steven Johnson is the author of "Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World"
CBSN is the author of profiteering propaganda and leftist talking points.
I am not reading his book, do not watch SNL, and do not consider book promotion a news report.
Do others actually watch and form their opinions and outlooks from this crap?

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