
Bus Drivers Want Bigger Raises?

Bus Drivers Want Bigger Raises? There was a raise for Albemarle School bus drivers in the current budget. The drivers want more that what is promised.
Inexperienced drivers, unexperienced as reported, get $11.62 per hour part time.

Seems like a lot of money to me.
Perhaps you could get another part-time job in your off hours between bus runs, maybe even driving for a different school that drops different kids at different hours. You could ask for a full-time slot or get another job altogether.
But what does giving a bigger raise really do for you?
How about we simply print less bills and slow inflation thusly lowering the cost of goods?

Giving everyone more money simply means they can raise the prices because there is more money to be had because more money was printed to give to hand out.
Unless someone else is to get paid less to keep the number of bills in circulation the same a raise to one trade will make everybody else's pay worth less.
Perhaps we would all be better served by simply spending less.
I spend roughly $350 per month total cost and am still attempting to trim. (no welfare, snap, stamps, or Medicaid...)
Live below your means whenever possible.
Regardless of anything else live honestly - always.

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