
The Evil Bathroom Bill vs. Preteens

The Evil Bathroom Bill vs. PreteensIs indoctrination exclusive to Christianity?

The "bathroom bill" will be defeated by generations of rainbow flag waving and equalls sign wearing children as displayed by this completely biased piece from AP titled: "NBA joins NFL in warning Texas over proposed 'bathroom bill'" that was then distributed as "news" to other sites like MSN.

Too young to kiss yet fighting for gay and trans sex issues.
New to art class?
Learn the rainbow.

New to mathematics?
Meet the equals symbol.

What two things are universally taught at the young age of 6?
Boys are allowed to kiss boys and poo in the ladies room if they say they are a lady.

Because rainbows and equals, Duh...

If Christians are accused of indoctrinating their youth how do you explain the image for this article?
It's no wonder more and more kids think they're gay atheists.
NBA, NFL, and 6 year old children fight for same sex adults to sodomize each other, have sex changes, and cross dress...

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