
Trey Gowdy Says Obama Was a Corrupt Liar! Gowdy Pissed! - YouTube
Trey Gowdy Says Obama Was a Corrupt Liar! Gowdy Pissed!

Or those that run against them?

Making America Great Together - YouTube

An interesting ad connected to a website with only one video, no links, and nothing else.
Cool vid though…


What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change - YouTube
Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why "climate change," far from being a recent human-caused di....

A very informative watch!


Chile is building Latin America's first solar thermal power plant. Here's how it works.
Investors say that solar thermal plants like the one being built in Chile's Atacama Desert can transform the renewable industry and compete with any type of power plant in the world.

Old tech wins the day.
A metallic salt with a low melt point is used to take advantage of the suns potential during night hours because it retains heat long enough to be used until the sun rises again to bring it back up to its maximum temperature.
Basically this is a really big water heater tank connected to a really big boiler.
Scale is everything on this project...

WARNING: This Soda Was Just Ruled 'Poisonous' In This Country
This news will make you think twice about what's in your mixed drink

How many still suffer from the ASP turned toxin and other issues related to the Gulf War soldiers drinking diet sodas that were dropped into a desert in heat way above when ASP breaks down into a neurotoxin?
We are guinea pigs and industrial filters for the leftover and waste of the production process for the crap wee consume.
Even our water comes from treated black water and every highway has settling ponds for nature and animals to filter runoff.
It can be flipped and flopped to and spun into any narrative you want it to fit but the fact is we are consuming it
- whether intentional or not -
we are consuming it....

'Livid' Mother Wants to Collaborate With TSA
The TSA has reached out to the mother of a 13-year-old Texas boy after a video of his TSA pat-down went viral

If  you live in a manner that requires you to fly to and fro you must deal with the hurdles and experience the detractors to that style of life.
If I choose to live in the desert and am too far away from a reliable water source I must deal with the hurdles and experience the detractors of that lifestyle.
What makes people think they deserve better or more than others simply because?
Too many Disney princesses and not enough women...

Protests begin, foreign pressure mounts on Venezuela's Maduro
Venezuelan opposition protests began and foreign pressure mounted on Friday over a court takeover of Congress that many viewed as a lurch into dictatorship by a leftist government grappling with a plunge in popularity.

If it isn't yet obvious from the parallels in rhetoric and tactics displayed the US has/had been taken over by the same world-wide body of leftist ideologues.
Those that backed Obama and that were in cahoots with Hillary were in, or above, the same circles of CFR an UN controlled groups whose duty it was/is to infiltrate and undermine the sovereign governments around the globe and get the populace to adhere to the same ideology.
The reason most of these leftists are outwardly appearing to be oil and water with Islam the reason you see them fighting side by side is because they are two sides of the same coin with the same goal through the same means.
It is now more difficult for them to roll out crap in the US by the receipt of an email so they simply pop up in another part of the world where they can while they attempt to get the upper hand in the US again.
This is an attempt at a one world government through an international coup that will then install a puppet that answers not to the US but to the UN.
With Obama and Hillary out the US is attempting to regain control of itself from the UN and the Federal Reserve just as the UK had recently done.
Take a step back and review recent history and it should be obvious.
Most of the politicians even admit to it and blatantly state their intent or commitment to these international groups that have that as their goal.

Senate Intelligence Committee rejects Flynn's request for immunity: NBC
The Senate Intelligence Committee has turned down former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's request for immunity.

Because they can't handle the truth!
They prefer to attack with innuendo rather than receive cold hard evidence.
This will likely  linger for at least a year until the majority of Dems begin to embrace the new iteration of the not yet hired DNC staff and their new PR campaigns.
These guys live real life with CNN as their "How to be a good person" training video because the vast majority of kids leave schools these days with the mental capacity of those that have trouble conceptualizing the flipping of burgers... Lol!

Shaq 'rages' after LeBron passes him on all-time scoring list
LeBron James on Thursday night surpassed Shaquille O'Neal on the NBA's all-time scoring list.

I think they should fight!
Maybe a tag team match with the Rock and XXX.
We should choose sides and beat people up that wear the wrong colors as the pot is stirred while they wear $2500 suit and tie combos acting a fool.
Propaganda, advertisement, and promotion are becoming more and more similar everyday...

Investor Alert: This Technology Nails Criminals and Lone Wolfs Before They Strike! Is This Stock The Next Big Thing? – Finance

This fast-emerging company has launched what police, military and security experts have been wanting for years… Breakthrough technology identifies concealed weapons, shutting down potential threats. Monitors choke points at schools, airports, malls, nightclubs, parades…almost any place where people are exposed to attack. Patriot One's weapons detection system delivers a disruptive, revolutionary change to the status quo in today's […]

This company is the best!
They sell you more the fastest!
Buy now and get a job because you're broke later…
Operators on line waiting for your credit card numbers now…

The Roots of the Battle Over Neil Gorsuch: ‘They Started It’
The fight over the Supreme Court nominee reflects years of creeping institutional shifts, partisan tensions and hypocritical arguments.

Right but they can't play the pubic hair on the soda can bit again.
Maybe they can say it was Gorsuch that took the babies out of the incubators and put them on the floor - now that's a message we can get behind.
Does anyone know where that ambassador's daughter is these days?
We need another ideological sympathizer to lie to the American populace again because nobody believes Hillary or McCain...

North Korea 'Has Got to Be Stopped': Defense Secretary Mattis
Mattis' remarks continue a recent trend of Trump officials taking a harder line on North Korea

Trump said America first so maybe that message made lil' Kim need to save face to his countrymen.
I'm quite sure the US understands the need for propaganda to get the populace to fall in love with their leaders.
Let them love him until they show signs of more than the old guard's DNC talking points.
Maybe the new DNC will like lil' Kim in the same way they liked Che Guevara.
I mean they had his shirts on and flags hanging while working for and in the offices of the DNC and Obama and Hillary campaigns after all...

So Long, Dandelion! Crayola Is Killing Off One of Its Colors
Color us intrigued.


I would've sworn they were going to say "white male" or Caucasian or peach...


Tim Allen recalls time in prison: 'I'm not the same guy'
"Home Improvement" star Tim Allen says he's come a long way since his arrest in 1978 for drug trafficking and the resulting two years he spent in federal prison.

State of the nation:

you are only forgiven and given a second chance if you are white
Like · Reply · 8 · 1 hr

(He himself is a white male)...

Nunes and Flynn Fallout Grows Ominous for Trump White House
The fallout over Russian election interference had already become a major distraction for a flailing Trump White House

Appears to me this is only a good thing.
The swamp is turned against itself and stabbing itself in the back.
Anyone that can survive the scrutiny of a witch hunt and still looks like the person Trump chose is likely to be someone without connections to the old guard, the DNC, or any foreign power all while the Democrats out themselves as partisanship before people...

A store clerk rejected her 'dirty jar' of pennies. She came back with guns.
Police say they have been tipped off to the possible identity of a woman who tried to pay for goods using what authorities described as an "old, dirty jar of pennies," before getting into an argument and threatening to kill the store clerk when he rejected the payment method.

She looks like a poster child for feminism and/or gay rights as she is literally a man with a vagina all the way down to temper and attitude.
No femininity here, she looks and acts like what the little rich boys in suburbs listen to and idolize.
With any luck one day all those boys will grow up to be as manly and unbridled as this woman was.
Her look style and attitude is so popular right now that she is literally the epitome of the stereotype of everyone looking the same as neutral gender, skin tone, hairstyle, dress, attitude - likely speech and sneaker style as well.
My children and many of their friends could easily dress to look like that and most do.
I occasionally do some warehouse work and can honestly say that 10% or more of the staffing, male and/or female, would be difficult to differentiate from her in a lineup unless you knew them personally enough to notice the minute details.
She is the wave of the future if America continues on its current path…

Ex-punk rocker O'Rourke officially begins his 2018 Senate bid
Beto O'Rourke, who needed a hefty upset to win his congressional seat six years ago will have to pull off an even bigger one to unseat Ted Cruz

Why not?
Punk rockers are allowed to grow up.
Most of these anti-fa and screaming gender neutral things will one day grow up as well.
I find that most of whom grew up in leftist ideologies grow into understanding conservative morals and ideologies where most that grow up as Disney princesses and/or little spoiled brats typically become leftist as adults.
While there are always going to be exceptions to every rule I'm willing to bet more people would admit to this of people in their circles than not.
Of course I could simply be surrounded by shitty stupid people too.
Did I just describe myself?...Lol!

Clinton criticizes Trump budget cuts to diplomatic programs
Hillary Clinton on Friday criticized President Donald Trump's proposal to slash billions of dollars from diplomacy.

In case you have yet to realize it:
The Democrats have rejected Hillary.
The Republicans have rejected Hillary.
The reason we can't get rid of her and why she continues to dictate what messages we are hearing and how we hear them is because she represents the international bankers, corporations, and one world government.
She was the one pulling the strings and directing the infiltration of our government by all these leftist activists.
It is these ties that are the reason the DNC did her bidding.
It is these reasons the new head of the DNC fired all staffers to start fresh.
It is these reasons Hillary was not brought down by James Comey and Loretta Lynch.
Our country is in a fight for its life against those that Hillary represents.
Obama was chosen as their face for the past 8 years allowing them to push through all their agendas without descent as Americans were afraid of being labeled racist.
Hillary attempted to use sexism in the same fashion but failed as the children screamed and scrambled after America got up off of its arm chair and stood up for just a moment.
Keep pushing Hillary, keep pushing and America will actually walk across the room and take off its belt.
The fathers and mothers of America will not allow their children to so far out of control as you hope they will and America is beginning to see with more clarity as this generation was raised by the grandparents of the generation you destroyed with indoctrination and medication of the school systems.
We've got your number and the tide is turning one forehead slap at a time!

Russia released some head-scratching recommendations for how its citizens should act when traveling abroad
Russia's Foreign Ministry told its citizens how they should behave while abroad in recommendations ranging from humorous to outrageous.

These seem very reasonable tidbits and worthy of relaying.
Is the insinuation that needing to be told these things means they are less worldly?
Perhaps one may feel needing to be told these things means they are less refined?
Is it hard to imagine that if one did what was warned against it would create problems?
Is it hard to imagine if flamboyant, muscularly weak, and emotionally unstable men attempted to fit into Russian social groups they would be immediately noticed and called out as infiltrators?
Maybe some Russians can be coarse, masculine, and/or harsh as compared to some from elsewhere in the western world.
Maybe societies that embrace masculinity scoff at those that embrace feminism rather than respect femininity.
Feminism has created generations of pussified and emasculated males while at the same time butching and defeminizing of women.
Seems to me the Russians are more in touch with the nature of humanity...

Biden: Dems ignored middle class in 2016 campaign
The former vice president said that the party neglected to "talk about what it always stood for."

If the dems ignored the middle class it would appear to relay that the dems are the 1%, the indoctrinated, and the brainwashed.
Um, what took so long to figure that out?

Alec Baldwin Opens Up About Past Drug Overdose and Daily Alcoholism Battle: 'There Was a Lot of Pain'
Alec Baldwin is opening up about his troubled past with drug addiction and alcoholism.

Well that explains his need to lash out in envy of others lives.
What it might not explain is why so many choose to follow the lead of losers that rely upon those things to feel good about themselves.
Notice he is in front of a UN banner.
He is in Hillary's gang of globalists and bankers...

Trump says former adviser Flynn should seek immunity in Russia probe
Donald Trump on Friday backed a decision by his former national security adviser to seek immunity in congressional investigations of possible ties between his campaign and Russia, but there was no immediate sign that the request would be granted.

And yet the video shows the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer speaking to the Trump saying for them to do whatever you feel comfy with but just get out there and let everybody know everything they can to the fullest extent...

Spicer: Reporters 'splitting hairs' with wiretap timeline questions
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Friday pushed back against media scrutiny over the timing of President Trump's tweets alleging that President Obama's administration wiretapped him, arguing that reporters were "splitting hairs."CNN reporter Jim Acosta asked Spicer about Trump's tweets earlier this month and during what phase of the election process he believes Obama wiretapped him during. One of Trump's twe…

I view it as a frontal attack on the administration.
Not only are they continuing to twist nd spin the narrative on their home networks but they are now using this forum as a means to poison the viewers by asking biased and frames lines of questioning rather than simply asking for details then reporting them.

FBI releases new photos from the Pentagon in the aftermath of 9/11
FBI releases new photos from the Pentagon in the aftermath of 9/11

Nothing to see here folks.
Move along…


Fellow inmate suspected of beating serial killer to death
A fellow inmate is suspected of fatally beating a serial killer dubbed the "Angel of Death" inside the cell where he was serving multiple life sentences, authorities said Friday.

Amazing how long they would allow a high profile criminal go so long without some form of supervision...

Teams are now apparently scared by Colin Kaepernick because he's vegan
We've heard pretty much every excuse as to why Colin Kaepernick is still a free agent. The speculation began with his politics, then it was his poor football…

Are we sure it's not because of Russia?
The only thing I'm hearing compete with the presses desire to create an entanglement between Trump and Russia is this fucking dumbass SJW millionaire being pushed by the media as some kind of hero turned victim.

April Fools? Conspiracy Theorists Questioning Zoo Giraffe's Pregnancy
Some are alleging that it's all just a big hoax.

I bet those that think the pregnancy is staged are climate change deniers and PewDiePie fans…
WTF is going on in the minds of those attempting to manipulate the narrative of our daily lives?
Hillary lost, Bernie blows, Trump likes America, Putin is not running from your threats, and we are getting really tired of being told what to think by those half our age…

Navy promotes SEAL commander in defiance of Congress
In his final week in office, the Navy secretary approved the higher rank and back pay, records show.

"Mabus declined to comment. His decision to promote the admiral was based on a recommendation from the Board for Correction of Naval Records, a quasi-judicial panel that fields requests from veterans to review potential errors in their personnel files."

These are officers not SJWs.
Hey WaPo,

Obama Officials Made List of Russia Documents To Keep Them Safe
A former Obama official said they gave a list to senators because of concern about what would happen to the classified docs after Trump took office.

Let's pretend this isn't inflammatory trolling and take it at face value.
This means evidence was collected and made to be common knowledge to those in the Obama admin.
This further means there was a distinct effort made to work against the intent, narrative, and/or foreign policy of the new admin.
This is worse than blocking a freeway and calling it a protest.
This is a protracted effort that was premeditated with intent to undermine the authority and ability for the next administration to govern.
This was political activism all the way up to and inside the oval office of the last admin.
This proves the entire democratic party and process was infiltrated by an external extra-governmental 3rd party with intent to erode our county's sovereignty.
Can't be much more obvious than that.
This is/was a globalist attempt at an overthrow of the US as we know it..

NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player the year you were born

NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player the year you were born The Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament started in 1939,

and a Most Outstanding Player (MOP) has been named in each year.

Who will join th...

Michael J. Fox Reveals Why His Parkinson`s Disease Makes Him Laugh - and Why Muhammad Ali Made Him Cry

Michael J. Fox Reveals Why His Parkinson`s Disease Makes Him Laugh - and Why Muhammad Ali Made Him Cry Michael J. Fox is

amused at the symptoms brought on by his Parkinson's disease.

A sad tale with a hopeful reminder of what a positive... Read more >>

116 Amazing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts

116 Amazing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts 116 Amazing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts

I've never been one for facts though, as they're full of liberal bias – Lol!... Read more >>

How middle-class and even wealthy American families are sliding inexorably into the red

How middle-class and even wealthy American families are sliding inexorably into the red Not even a high six-figure salary is enough to keep New York City families out of the red.

A covet based economy is the basis for the inference of... Read more >>

Big money behind Gorsuch shows little payoff

Big money behind Gorsuch shows little payoff A 30-second television ad targeting Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill in Missouri

mentions her support for Obamacare and "using tax dollars for... Read more >>

Poll: Republicans, Democrats Agree on One Thing

Poll: Republicans, Democrats Agree on One Thing Republicans and Democrats see eye to eye on at least one thing —

both parties are experiencing sharp internal division.

Beyond sad....

Texas church bus crash: 13 killed, 2 injured in collision with pickup truck

Texas church bus crash: 13 killed, 2 injured in collision with pickup truck At least 12 people were killed and three others injured in a head-on crash Wednesday

between a church bus and pickup truck in southwest Texas,... Read more >>

Here`s The Ending to `The Shining` You Never Saw

Here`s The Ending to `The Shining` You Never Saw We reveal how -- and why -- it changed.

Did you see this coming?

Were you fooled first time around?

Did it play out as you expected?...

This Doctor Has A Secret Trick To Instantly Make a Baby Stop Crying

This Doctor Has A Secret Trick To Instantly Make a Baby Stop Crying Call him the baby whisperer!

This pediatrician has developed the perfect technique

to calm and quiet a fussy noisy baby.


Sharknado? Australian cyclone leaves behind shark in puddle

Sharknado? Australian cyclone leaves behind shark in puddle A dead bull shark was apparently swept up in the deluge.

Honestly, I don't know why I click as every time I do I regret it.

The narrators voice...

Reports: American Airlines officer dies during landing at Albuquerque

Reports: American Airlines officer dies during landing at Albuquerque An American Airlines first officer died in flight

Wednesday en route to Albuquerque,

airport officials confirmed.

Should've made a l...

This Dad`s Reaction to His Rainbow Baby Being Born Is Beyond Moving

This Dad`s Reaction to His Rainbow Baby Being Born Is Beyond Moving Every child's birth is full of emotion,

but for parents expecting a rainbow baby,

there's a unique set of overwhelming feelings that ac... Read more >>

Russia draws senators` focus in hearing on election meddling

Russia draws senators` focus in hearing on election meddlingSome tactics Russia used to meddle in last year's presidential election

would give shivers to anyone who believes in American democracy,... Read more >>

2 White House Officials Helped Nunes View Secret Reports

2 White House Officials Helped Nunes View Secret ReportsWhite House officials helped provide the Republican

leading the House Russia inquiry with reports

that showed incidental surveillance of...

`There`s not a hope alive for us`: A factory Trump targeted begins its move to Mexico

`There`s not a hope alive for us`: A factory Trump targeted begins its move to Mexico "We're done."

The comparison to this was regarding Carrier – which this is not.

The report appeared to be somewhat approving of the clo... Read more >>

Trump threatens House Freedom Caucus

Trump threatens House Freedom Caucus President Trump is threatening the conservative group

that opposed him on health care, raising the specter of intra-party opposition


`Stop Shaking Your Head`: Spicer Lashes Out at Reporter

`Stop Shaking Your Head`: Spicer Lashes Out at Reporter Spicer snapped at a reporter over a question about the

administration's image, telling the veteran correspondent to "stop shaking your head."... Read more >>

Embattled DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters

Embattled DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez has

launched a major reshuffling of the party's organization that has been stung by recent cr... Read more >>



Watch this Obama aide say Live on MSNBC that she helped s... Read more >>

Joe Rogan has his mind blown by Lawrence Krauss

Joe Rogan has his mind blown by Lawrence Krauss Joe Rogan has his mind blown when Lawrence Krauss discusses the universe, and

the possibility of the multi-verse. Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #938.

So essentially now that...