
This Is the Best Way to Cook Chicken Breasts, According to a MasterChef Champ

MasterChef Champ's Best Way to Cook Chicken Breasts
This Is the Best Way to Cook Chicken Breasts, According to a MasterChef Champ
I usually just grab whichever meats are most affordable for the sake of giving my wallet a break, without really thinking twice about the quality (or lack thereof). But after a year

of penny-pinching, I may officially be changing my ways to splurge a bit more on my most common expense: chicken.

Remove the skin from breasts with a titty twist motion then firmly pull apart the legs until you hear the thighs pop out of joint.

Now fold down its wings until they touch the small of its back before you shove a fist full of stuff into it, bag it for safety.
Tie it up tightly with rope to hold it in position and your ready for business…

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