
Is the Papadopoulos case the real bombshell today?

Papadopoulos Masks Real Bombshell...
Is the Papadopoulos case the real bombshell today?
Is this the real bombshell on Indictment Day? While the initial announcement of indictments against President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort and his associate Rick

Gates dominated the news early Monday morning, the allegations did not go directly to the question of whether Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians, who wanted to tip the 2016 election to Trump. But a second case whose file was made public did. A guilty


A plea could also easily mean "I give up trying to defend myself" or "I can't afford a good lawyer" or "they said they'd be willing to overlook things I've done if I help out with this investigation.

Speculation is speculation…

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