
Snoop Dog knows he's black now - LOL must've been the black posers and close-ups that sold it - LMAO

FAIL: Eminem Rips Donald Trump on BET (PARODY) | Louder With Crowder
FAIL: Eminem Rips Donald Trump on BET (PARODY) | Louder With Crowder

Snoop Dog was race trolling him as a wannabe, said now he knows he's a nigga?
Cause they got the same marching orders from the same master?
Go on BET. Tell all black people to hate Trump and vote democrat.
Don't worry, we'll get close-ups of black men's faces looking like they approve of your message...

Can't these guys see how manufactured it is, how manipulated the message was, and how choreographed and staged the props, actors, cars, and close-ups were?
Fucking Hell!

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