
NASA gives us drawings and 3D renders of satellites approaching planets to prove the photos are real? - LOL
Coolest space discoveries
From the Pillars of Creation to discovery of the first asteroid, here's a look at some of the most amazing findings in the world of space.

Any real images taken by a camera?
Anything other than CGI or artists interpretations?
Overlays of stuff we can't see super imposed and color shifted?
So these "images" could be made with swirls of warm water in a cool tank?
If these are real images of our crafts approaching these planets what was already there to take the picture of the satellite upon approach?
How is it we can't get good cell reception with good line of sight but we can communicate with needles in haystacks millions of miles away as they zip off into the unknown?
If NASA built cell phones with this magic tech could we simply call each other without towers?
NASA can get the percentage of oxygen on planets in other galaxies but our closer than moon satellites can't give us a cable signal through a cirrus cloud?
NASA = Bullshit!!!

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