
Do conservatives want changes to the constitution?

Changes conservatives want in the constitution?
Steven Smith's answer to What type of changes do conservatives want in the constitution?


Seems to me true conservatives would appreciate the original document and want the amendments scrapped.
How could someone be seen as conserving the traditions and guidance within the Constitution when amending, updating, changing, or retracting statements within the Constitution?
The Constitution was based on an individuals merit as a human being and essentially outlines an ideology of each individual man fulfilling his own will.
Amendments added to the Constitution are based in law and word-smith-ing ones wishes into reducing or confining someone from exercising their freedoms and/or rights as granted and/or understood by the original document.
The more refined or specific the intent of a rule the easier it is to go around it.
The more open and broad sweeping a set of laws is the more iron fisted its enforcement must be to keep it relevant.
A declaration of rights of a free man was the intent.
A booklet of laws and precedents undermining an individuals freedoms is what it has become.
But then "America the land of the free" was traded in for "the U.S. of A. corporation" quite some time ago…

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