
'White Lives Matter' rally planned for Tennessee
'White Lives Matter' rally planned for Tennessee
An alliance of several groups — including those involved in an August rally in Charlottesville, Va. — has announced plans for a "White Lives Matter" rally this month in Tennessee. The rally is scheduled for Oct. 28 in Shelbyville, located an hour southeast of Nashville.

I can't believe this took so long to come up with.
We used to joke about having a TV channel named WET back in the day.
The thing I'm curious about is whether or not there will be token blacks knighting for whites at this event like there are always token whites with their fists in the air for black power during BLM events.
Aside from the KKK/Black Panthers/white nationalists/BLM aren't normal people allowed to be happy about what color they were born?
Surely all lives matter but even that argument is called racist.
As all the other parades and events that were usually deemed as "white" like Thanksgiving and St Patrick's day parades have all been subverted into gay pride events this may actually be a mix and match bunch of white hetero males looking to say "we're still here".
Equality, diversity, and free speech will likely be interrupted and shut down again this time too…

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