
Rose McGowan Aims at Trump from Weinstein to all Men

Rose McGowan Shifting Blame from Weinstein to Trump and Men
Rose McGowan Shifting Blame from Weinstein to Trump and Men

Looks like she's made a full recovery!
She's gone from silent victimhood to propagandist general of the army of misandry.

Weinstein = male
Trump = male

Evidence appears to conclude that women are getting better at math but not understanding that bitwise operators can not be used as a means to equate singular characteristics of an individual to explain the worthiness of another individual nor can they be used to describe the tendency of the Y holding half of the entire global population
– err, um, retract that back to whites…

Fuck feminist cloaked misandrist propagandists and their veiny dildos in non-white colors.
Go fuck a battery while your race dies bitches! Guess it doesn't matter if that happens when all you care about is your own popularity and conceit upon looking in the mirror…

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