
Kathie Lee and Hoda try mystery Oreos: Can you guess the flavor?
Kathie Lee and Hoda try mystery Oreos: Can you guess the flavor?
A mysterious box under lock and key contains a pack of Oreos with a mystery flavor. Kathie Lee and Hoda must solve riddles to unlock the box and try them, and once they do, Kathie Lee thinks she knows what the mystery flavor is. But is she right?

Even the mere thought of this being a thought for someone else makes me quiver with a numbing ping in my temporal lobe.
Am I having a stroke?
Is this "content" really that vapid?
Is this the reason so many men worked so hard for so many years?
Is this the struggle feminists fight against?
Is this the fascism that antifa strikes fear into?
Is this the blight that BLM sees when they think of white people?
Is this why so many men are choosing not to marry?
Is this why western society is being overrun by "more primitive" "patriarchal" cultures?
Just imagine the men that live with these guys and the boys they've raised…

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