
No more birth control for male babies or vasectomies for post menopause women?
Trump hopes to boost lower-premium health insurance plans
Frustrated by failures in Congress, President Donald Trump is moving to put his own stamp on health care with an executive order Thursday that aims to make lower-premium plans more widely available.

This is what we need!
Ability to get cheap insurance is just fine.
Not every 2yo baby boy needs birth control and mammogram coverage.
Not every 50yo woman needs hernia repair and a circumcision.
Obama may have potentially thought giving healthcare to the insurance companies would've gone differently than giving the economy to wall street and the Federal Reserve, maybe, but it didn't "fix everything" like he was selling it would do.
We don't need one size fits all. We need more plentiful cheaper plans for those that wanna have coverage in the rare case they get into an accident or go to the emergency room.
Obamacare was designed to force kids to pay for the massive number of baby boomers all hitting Medicare at the same time.
The plan was to either use the higher enrollments to offset the costs or use the tax burden, fine proceeds, to fund Medicaid.
Do we really wanna force health insurance to those that breath in the same fashion they force auto insurance on those that drive?
You can choose to take the bus or carpool to avoid auto insurance but you can't choose not to breathe...

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