
Is the Cuban attack merely crappy power conditioning?
The sound in Havana: What Americans heard in Cuba attacks
It sounds sort of like a mass of crickets. But not quite. A high-pitched whine, but from what? It seems to undulate, even writhe. Listen closely: Some hear multiple, distinct tones colliding in a nails-on-the-chalkboard effect.

Seems likely to me to originate from the tolerance of an entire building full of electronic items and lighting systems with FCC regulated allowable/acceptable RF outputs made for use on 110v@60hz when operated outside of their sweet spot in environments where there may not be a clean sine wave, a square wave from a half invertor, or inconsistent voltages and frequencies.
If the input voltage or RF ripple frequency was higher on the input side the resulting RF that was recorded may have been in an inaudible range as it would have been if used with a better power supply.
Again, this is speculation…

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