
No amount of paper towels can wipe away PR's problem!
These Nurse Volunteers In Puerto Rico Fear FEMA Is Failing
WASHINGTON ― Water is rationed. Scabies is spreading. Grocery stores are lined with empty shelves, if they're open at all. People are fainting as they wait in lines for hours in sweltering heat, because they have to check into a FEMA hub to get small amounts of food and supplies being guarded by armed officers. That's if they can even make it to FEMA.

For the price of only one coffee per day you can help HuffPost make PR look like it is a victim of Trump.
How was PR before the storm?
How many people had scabies and drank dirty water before the storm?
How many people were without power before the storm?
How many people had no money, job, car, or ability to go to the store before the storm?
Take a look at the mayor dressed up and pretending like she's a Cuban.
This narrative is being crafted as an excuse to get the Federal government to rebuild PR so the people that allowed it to get to this point can get another free ride for the next several years.
We already know that their populace voted in a communist mayor so the democrats are going to cry injustice while the PR people die waiting for a handout…

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