
The end of "TEFMGMHIP (tef-meg-um-hip)"? WOW!
Trump to end key ACA subsidies
The decision on payments to help lower-income consumers could prompt health insurers to stop offering coverage.

This is a snow job!
The question is not what happens if Trump stops paying the subsidies but why is the "Affordable Care Act" so unaffordable and why is a broken and dying system that is getting worse by the day being subsidized to begin with?
Before this we had employer plans and self paid insurance with Medicaid.
Now we have a Federal minimum coverage mandate and a fine if your aren't covered.
Obamacare made health insurance companies government backed in the same way states made car insurance profits backed by law.
The least they can do is allow health insurance companies compete over customers like the car insurance ones do so we can get different levels of coverage at prices that are actually affordable, for most, with Medicaid for those that don't.
Calling Obamacare what it actually was would rename it to "tax enforced federal minimum guidelines mandated health insurance program" or "TEFMGMHIP (tef-meg-um-hip)".
It was "mega", it was "hip", and Obama was slippery like "Teflon"!

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