
NFL Week 16 Predictions

NFL Week 16 Predictions
NFL Week 16 Predictions
NFL Week 16 Predictions

Who will kneel and who will squeal?
For the ladies: Who's outfits will match their pretty little shoes?

It is no longer a sport.
It has become the same as everything else, feminized, and gossipy.

It used to be the fulfilment of an ideology of conduct and being part of a team.
Now it has become teams of individuals with their own little acts willing to buck their own teams efforts for the spotlight of stardom and political notoriety.
The opposite of what it once was…
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++NFL Week 16 Predictions

##NFL Week 16 Predictions - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #NFL #Week #Predictions >> Commentary @ |
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Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?

Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?
Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?
Questions for the Army Corps
of Engineers and the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority on the power failures on the island.

I knew this was going to happen!
Puerto Rico is using the storm damage as a means to get the entire grid rebuilt and extended into a state of the art condition on the back of our tax dollars…

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad had they not strung houses together by extension cords and leaned poles against dead trees as a means to power the expanding populous…

"The damage to an already outdated and poorly maintained grid was comprehensive. Lines went down, poles snapped, towers fell and substations flooded. There are 30,000 miles of electrical line in Puerto Rico, and about 63 percent of it was affected."

That's the official description so imagine the outskirts of towns that live in little villages with no running water and an extension cord patchwork from over the hill that will now be updated with metal conduits and 200 Amp residential services run to each hut.

Next they will say they are in substandard conditions and begin work on a federal subsidized public sewage system then roofing etc.
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++Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?

##Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup? - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Parts #Puerto #Rico #Wont #Have #Po#wer #for #Months #Whats #Holdup >> Commentary @ |
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Why is there no real picture of Earth from space that shows its entire shape if we really went to the Moon?

Why no real pic of Earth from space if we went to Moon?
Why is there no real picture of Earth from space that shows its entire shape if we really went to the Moon?
Because you deleted all of them. It's that simple. Really, it is.
Phil Albert, former Worked at NASA, So Have Stared Into Space at Work

Updated Nov 16 · Upvoted by Bill Fife, Thirty years with USGS working in Earth Science. Licensed pilot.

That explanation is much simpler than a global conspiracy among all the world's space agencies, governments, amateur astronomers and many other people who seem to have much more life experience than the OP asking this question.
If you start with all the pictures of Earth taken from space and you exclude ALL of them as being fake, or doctored or based on sensor data (and you don't understand imaging, or think in your own little cutesy way that images, even those in false color, derived from imaging data somehow aren't real), then you don't have any real picture of Earth from space that show its entire shape.

- - -

This answer is flawed because it asks you to believe it would be easier for him to delete all of the images by hacking into and overriding security on multiple servers for multiple departments of those multiple governments and agencies rather than thinking a world body like the UN, comprised of all world governments, might hold a secret or two from the populace.
Compartmentalization makes a case for both your answer and his question while at the same time validating the potential for his premise.
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++Why is there no real picture of Earth from space that shows its entire shape if we really went to the Moon?

##Why is there no real picture of Earth from space that shows its entire shape if we really went to the Moon? - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Why #there #real #picture #Earth #from #space #shows #its #entire #shape #we #really #went #Moon >> Commentary @ |
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Intriguing Facts About🛡Wonder Woman🗡, Mrs. Gal Gadot 👑

Intriguing Facts About🛡Wonder Woman🗡, Mrs. Gal Gadot 👑
Intriguing Facts About🛡Wonder Woman🗡, Mrs. Gal Gadot 👑
Gal Gadot is Hollywood's newest "IT" girl and her breakthrough performance as Wonder Woman is making everyone pay attention. A former Miss Israel and Gucci Model was a combat instructor in the Israeli Army before she took up acting. Find out more about the actress behind Wonder Woman and see why everyone in Hollywood is talking about her.

The reason 999 of 1,000 women don't look like her is because they don't go through the abusive regimen to arrive at then maintain this level of fitness.
There is always some level of genetic lottery but no one can deny this image of her with her trainer in a "no pain no gain" shirt.
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++Intriguing Facts About🛡Wonder Woman🗡, Mrs. Gal Gadot 👑

##Intriguing Facts About🛡Wonder Woman🗡, Mrs. Gal Gadot 👑 - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Intriguing #Facts #AboutWonder #Woman #Mrs #Gal #Gadot >> Commentary @ |
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Serial Squatters Cost Homeowners Thousands

Serial Squatters Cost Homeowners Thousands
Serial Squatters Cost Homeowners Thousands
They make $15,000 per month?
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++Serial Squatters Cost Homeowners Thousands

##Serial Squatters Cost Homeowners Thousands - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Serial #Squatters #Cost #Homeowners #Thousands >> Commentary @ |
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Elizabeth Warren Uncovers HILARIOUS Mistake in the Senate Republican Tax Bill

Elizabeth Warren is HILARIOUS Mistake - Senate Republicans...
Elizabeth Warren Uncovers HILARIOUS Mistake in the Senate Republican Tax Bill
Obamacare bill passed without reading it and Pelosi said "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." as a changed bill was introduced in the late hours prior to the vote in almost the exact same fashion with a democrat house, congress, and president falling into a monolith of majority to push it through, onto the populace, without republican support. Just sayin'
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++4 Elizabeth Warren Uncovers HILARIOUS Mistake in the Senate Republican Tax Bill

##4 Elizabeth Warren Uncovers HILARIOUS Mistake in the Senate Republican Tax Bill - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #4 #Elizabeth #Warren #Uncovers #HILARIOUS #Mistake #Senate #Republican #Tax #Bill >> Commentary @ |
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Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True

Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True
Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True
A few weeks ago at CNN's tax reform debate, Bernie Sanders told viewers that Republicans would immediately pivot to "reforming" medicare, medicaid, and social security as a means of tackling the deficit crisis they'd create by passing their tax plan that provides the richest 1% of Americans with trillions of dollars in tax cuts. His prediction already came true, as House Speaker Paul Ryan said the Party would focus on entitlement reform next year in the event they're able to codify their tax plan into law.

- - -

Maybe this is new to you in your social bubble but fiscal conservatives and small government libertarians want less tax, less government, & less deficit by means of allowing societal organizations like churches and charities be the safety net for those that need help rather than have a daddy/nanny government.
Social organizations adhere to moral codes and standards where governmental departments do not discriminate.
This means people will need to behave morally and treat each other respectfully or lose their safety net where as it is now people shit on each other then get food stamps paid for by those they shit on and steal from.
Smaller government means less public sector paychecks and programs to pay for which reduces need for funding thusly shrinking debt as balances go from deficit to surplus.
Small communities of people helping each other is a theme that liberals and libertarians can agree upon.
When man vs man we consume each other when man vs nature we work together.
We need to get back to living and lose the hustling of each other.
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++Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True

##Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Bernie #Sanders #Prediction #About #GOP #Tax #Scam #Already #Came #True >> Commentary @ |
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Republicans Praise Trump; Trump Claims He Repealed Obamacare: A Closer Look

Republicans Praise Trump; Trump Claims He Repealed Obamacare: A Closer Look
Republicans Praise Trump; Trump Claims He Repealed Obamacare: A Closer Look
Perhaps it's just me BUT if you remove the mandate forcing people to choose between forcing a fine to the IRS or forcing a private singular human individual to pay a monthly payment to a private corporation under duress how does that not make Obamacare merely an option one can sidestep all together should they choose to do so thusly breaking it?
repeal is to revoke or annul (a law or congressional act)
annul is to declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result)
So in essence he did "repeal" Obamacare by breaking the mandate.
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++Republicans Praise Trump; Trump Claims He Repealed Obamacare: A Closer Look

##Republicans Praise Trump; Trump Claims He Repealed Obamacare: A Closer Look - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Republicans #Praise #Trump #Trump #Claims #Repealed #Obamacare #Closer #Look >> Commentary @ |
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The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward

The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward
The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward
After the pain came the doubt,
that nocturnal beast, always awakening as Gordon Hayward searched for sleep.

He's a white fucking male!
Aside from making enough money to support his wife's every need or desire he should not have pride and should only have agony!

March with me sisters!!!
Fuck white males!
Then take their money!

Then give them kids?
Then push him to make more money!
Then take his kids!
Then take that more money!
We are feminism!
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++The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward

##The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Immense #Pride #Unspeakable #A#gony #Gordon #Hayward >> Commentary @ |
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Ex-Fox News Contributor Goes to CNN but There's More To the Story

Ex-Fox contributor Tamara Holder: Watch Left, Then Right
Ex-Fox News Contributor Goes to CNN but There's More To the Story
The videos of Tamara Holder above in split screen show her present transformation into a CNN personality after being on Fox News
in a situation where she was so overcome that her mouth was physically agape in mental breakdown.
They are also presented below as links in the same reverse chronological order: Watch the above from Left to Right...

Two videos, of Tamara Holder, that must - absolutely - be watched in order presented for a deeper understanding of life:
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++Ex-Fox contributer: Fox News will sue me for speaking out today

##Ex-Fox contributer: Fox News will sue me for speaking out today - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #ExFox #contributer #Fox #News #will #sue #for #speaking #out #today >> Commentary @ |
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Robin Roberts disses Omarosa after interview: Bye Felicia

Robin Roberts disses Omarosa after interview: Bye Felicia
Robin Roberts disses Omarosa after interview: Bye Felicia
Can a morning show co-anchor
say something that's not exactly professional and yet is rather appropriate — and hilarious — all at the same time? The former Apprentice contestant teased to having seen rather disturbing things while working with President Trump that the world needs to know about … and yet didn't want to actually reveal anything specific at this time (presumably, because she's looking to sell her story as a book or other venture). There "were a lot of things that I observed durin…

Oh, so catty!

Does anybody really give a fuck?
Make entertainment entertaining again!
Make News programming newsy again!
Make commentary only agree with my opinion from onw on… - err, sorry got stuck in a "of women and children" liberal vibe while reminiscing of childhood past when news wasn't fake, SNL was funny, and smoking was cooler than freebasing liquid nicotine out of a vile like addicts in a video game...
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++Robin Roberts disses Omarosa after interview: Bye Felicia

##Robin Roberts disses Omarosa after interview: Bye Felicia - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Robin #Roberts #disses #Omarosa #after #interview #Bye #Felicia >> Commentary @ |
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The National Football League Has a Woman Problem, and Vice Versa

The NFL Has a Woman Problem, and Vice Versa
The National Football League Has a Woman Problem, and Vice Versa
For years, the National Football
League has tried to sell more tickets, pretzels, and apparel to female fans. But allegations about the league's emissaries and their behavior toward women keeps getting in the way.

Football should be less violent and their outfits should have more pizazz!
I'd know I'd like to hear more about what the players feel when their mean bossy Coach tells them what play to perform – like he owns them! -typical toxic masculinity…

They should wear flower prints on their tights and nice looking caps or I'm going to scream rat and hold my breath…
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++The National Football League Has a Woman Problem, and Vice Versa

##The National Football League Has a Woman Problem, and Vice Versa - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #National #Football #League #Has #Woman #Problem #Vice #Versa >> Commentary @ |
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Quick-hitting snow may trigger slippery Friday evening commute from DC to New York City

Quick-hitting snow may trigger slippery Friday
Quick-hitting snow may trigger slippery Friday evening commute from DC to New York City
A brief burst of snow will
spread over the Northeast's Interstate 95 corridor, threatening to create tricky travel as commuters head home later Friday.

Quick hitting story may come – after snow is already falling…
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++Quick-hitting snow may trigger slippery Friday evening commute from DC to New York City

##Quick-hitting snow may trigger slippery Friday evening commute from DC to New York City - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Quickhitting #snow #may #trigger #slippery #Friday #evening #commute #from #New #York #City >> Commentary @ |
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Today Is the Last Day of Obamacare Enrollment—Here's What You Need to Do Right Now

Last Day of Obamacare—Here's What to Do Now
Today Is the Last Day of Obamacare Enrollment—Here's What You Need to Do Right Now
Friday, December 15 is the
final day of Obamacare open enrollment.

1) Open window
2) Stick out head
3) Scream "MAGA"
4) Enjoy a tiny bit more freedom…
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++Today Is the Last Day of Obamacare Enrollment—Here's What You Need to Do Right Now

##Today Is the Last Day of Obamacare Enrollment—Here's What You Need to Do Right Now - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Today #Last #Day #Obamacare #EnrollmentHere #What #You #Need #Right #Now >> Commentary @ |
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NASA Image Shows Surreal Landscape On Mars

NASA Image Shows Surreal Landscape On Mars
NASA Image Shows Surreal Landscape On Mars
NASA recently shared an image
showing surreal Martian landscape.

Surreal means FAKE right?
Martian rice patties.

Even if this is real, why are they making definitive statements about hypothesized explanations of possibly real features?

(anti-God) + (man is great) = propaganda
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++NASA Image Shows Surreal Landscape On Mars

##NASA Image Shows Surreal Landscape On Mars - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #NASA #Image #Shows #Surreal #Landscape #Mars >> Commentary @ |
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Omarosa Calls Robin Roberts 'Bye Felicia' Remark 'Petty After Disputing Reports of White House Exit

Omarosa Calls Bye Felicia Remark Petty
Omarosa Calls Robin Roberts 'Bye Felicia' Remark 'Petty After Disputing Reports of White House Exit
The former "Apprentice" contestant
claims she resigned, but didn't do so in the White House.

Oh, It's on girl!
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++Omarosa Calls Robin Roberts 'Bye Felicia' Remark 'Petty After Disputing Reports of White House Exit

##Omarosa Calls Robin Roberts 'Bye Felicia' Remark 'Petty After Disputing Reports of White House Exit - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Omarosa #Calls #Robin #Roberts #Bye #Felicia #Remark #Petty #After #Disputing #Reports #White #House #Exit >> Commentary @ |
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The Simpsons predicted Disney would buy Fox in 1998 episode

The Simpsons predicted Disney would buy Fox in 1998 episode
The Simpsons predicted Disney would buy Fox in 1998 episode
As if foreseeing a Trump presidency,
FIFA corruption scandal, Siegfried and Roy's tiger attack, and Greece's financial default weren't enough, The Simpsons has come through again with a peek into the future, predicting Disney's $52.4 billion purchase of 21st Century Fox assets some two decades ago. The animated comedy's 1998 episode, "When You Dish Upon a Star," featured Homer becoming the personal assistant to Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, who were trying to escape the spotlight by moving to…

And SpongeBob always had illuminati stuff drawn into it as well.
Somebody knows something and nobody is saying anything even though everybody is seeing what anybody could call clues of the future…

Dismissed as coincidence, time life books, mysteries of the unknown
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++The Simpsons predicted Disney would buy Fox in 1998 episode

##The Simpsons predicted Disney would buy Fox in 1998 episode - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Simpsons #predicted #Disney #would #buy #Fox #episode >> Commentary @ |
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