
Has Everyone Finally Gone Over the Deep End?

Is it just me or does it appear to others as well that the whole world has begun to drink their own Kool-Aid?

Morning Joe Scarborough with mouth agape
I can't believe MSN doesn't have a disclaimer before the story implying this is an editorial!
I can't remember the last time I read something this biased, slanted, or inciting.
From calling our Commander in Chief "Amateur President" and the White House clumsy to appointing himself as having the only objective perspective by stating what stories are "news" and which organizations are either ignoring or misrepresenting it the author of this piece shows how self important he is.
This is actually worse than watching Cenk and Ana being disingenuous on a just for clicks episode of TYT!
Today's commentary based upon what feelings came to mind after being slapped in the face and dragged through the muck by "Fox Ignores the News While 'Morning Joe'™ Scarborough Foams at the Mouth" on MSN (link) written by Joe Lapointe for The New York Observer.

What Words Define You?

While an image is worth a thousand words one word can change everything
Synonyms can surfacely be interchanged give or take context of use, and each iteration of explanation and each reread of the definition but reading the thesaurus makes me believe the implications are the important part of choosing one synonym over another as they too add context and help to flesh out a full and vivid portrayal of the author's intention in conjunction with adjectives and adverbs.
An author needs to convey a story, emotions, and intent for a writing to feel authentic and human rather than merely an eyewitness of 3rd party report of observations.
What words describe you and how specific can you be?

Ouch! I Has A Emotion! Lol, Amirite?

Feelings, All I is has is be feelings...  :(     Lol!
So an atheist said I was an obtuse idiot but what does that really mean? Should I continue about my day or analyze my statements to ensure he's my message is as intended?
The definition "firm belief/confidence in the truth of something, with no implied reason, or lack thereof, why it is trusted" you wrote sounds a lot like "Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation" in the example I provided.
Your example renders "belief of something with no implied reason".
You state mine renders as "belief for no reason" yet you are arguing that I am wrong? Do you not read what you write or are you merely stuck in opposition because you perceive a need for someone else to be wrong for you to be correct?
Your definition equates to the one I presented in your own words.
His Reply:
Only an idiot would equate the two. Stop being an idiot. Trust can be had for good, bad, or no reason (faith). The word "trust" alone, doesn't imply any of them.
Stop being obtuse.
So to equate "no reason" with "no implied reason" regarding the base of a belief as it relates to use of the word trust as defined by a definition found in a collegiate dictionary (link) makes me obtuse?
That is not acute, a cute, argument.
In your scenario if trust can be had for one or more of three reasons, good- bad- or no reason (faith), how could the word trust not imply one of them?
How does "no reason" imply faith? Do you mean belief in a good result, belief in a bad result, and belief with no reason (faith)? If so that simply restates my argument that trust is like blind faith.
A thesaurus may have made your phrasing more interesting and alleviated the redundancy of the word idiot.
Your judgement of my worth falls meaningless upon deaf ears and name calling is futile.
His Reply:
"So to equate 'no reason' with 'no implied reason' regarding the base of a belief as it relates to use of the word trust as defined by a definition found in a collegiate dictionary makes me obtuse?"
That's not at all what you did, or related to what I said. You are conflating 'confidence in the truth of something' with 'confidence in the truth of something for no reason'.
"In your scenario if trust can be had for one or more of three reasons, good- bad- or no reason (faith), how could the word trust not imply one of them?"
Because it doesn't. All it means is confidence in the truth of something. There's no implied meaning of why one may trust something.
"Do you mean belief in a good result, belief in a bad result, and belief with no reason (faith)?"
No, I mean for good reasons, bad reasons, or no reason at all.
"How does 'no reason' imply faith?"
Because that's what faith seems to mean to most people.
So faith should not be a synonym?
So the definition in the Oxford dictionary is wrong?

Definition of trust in English:



mass noun
  1. Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
    'relations have to be built on trust'
    'they have been able to win the trust of the others'
    confidence, belief, faith, freedom from doubt, freedom from suspicion, sureness, certainty, certitude, assurance, conviction, credence, reliance
    1. Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.
      'I used only primary sources, taking nothing on trust'
    2. The state of being responsible for someone or something.
      'a man in a position of trust'
      responsibility, duty, obligation
    3. literary count noun A person or duty for which one has responsibility.
      'rulership is a trust from God'
  2. Law
    count noun An arrangement whereby a person (a trustee) holds property as its nominal owner for the good of one or more beneficiaries.
    'a trust was set up'
    mass noun 'the property is to be held in trust for his son'
    safe keeping, keeping, protection, charge, care, custody
    1. A body of trustees.
    2. An organization or company managed by trustees.
      'a charitable trust'
      in names 'the National Trust'
  3. US dated count noun A large company that has or attempts to gain monopolistic control of a market.
  4. West Indian archaic Commercial credit.
    'my master lived on trust at an alehouse'
  5. archaic count noun A hope or expectation.
    'all the great trusts of womanhood'


  1. Believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of.
    'I should never have trusted her'
    with object and infinitive 'he can be trusted to carry out an impartial investigation'
    'a trusted adviser'
    have faith in, place one's trust in, put one's trust in, have confidence in, have every confidence in, believe in, pin one's faith on, pin one's hopes on
    1. trust someone with Allow someone to have, use, or look after (someone or something of importance or value) with confidence.
      'I'd trust you with my life'
      entrust, put in the hands of, allow to look after, allow to look use
    2. trust someone/something to Commit someone or something to the safekeeping of.
      'they don't like to trust their money to anyone outside the family'
      consign, commit, give, hand over, turn over, assign, commend
    3. with clause Have confidence; hope (used as a polite formula in conversation)
      'I trust that you have enjoyed this book'
      hope, expect, think likely, dare say, imagine, believe, assume, presume, suppose, take it
    4. no object Have faith or confidence.
      'she trusted in the powers of justice'
    5. trust to no object Place reliance on (luck, fate, or chance)
      'I hurtled down the path, trusting to luck that I wouldn't put a foot wrong'
  2. archaic Allow credit to (a customer)
    'all persons are forbid to trust sailors'


  • not trust someone as far as one can throw them
    • informal Not trust or hardly trust a particular person at all.
  • trust someone to --
    • It is characteristic or predictable for someone to act in the specified way.
      'trust Sam to have all the inside information'


Middle English: from Old Norse traust, from traustr 'strong'; the verb from Old Norse treysta, assimilated to the noun.




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Today's YouTube Epiphany

Thinking for yourself is A-Okay and due to differing personal experiences every single individual person has their own unique perception of reality.
Whether or not you consider someone evil is up to your individual perception and that too is Okay.
It would be nice to have a deep secluded hide-a-way...
It gets old explaining the many facets of understanding put forth in a single comment to each and every person that does not contain the depth or experience to comprehend that layers of knowledge exist behind every statement, even those they might not agree with.

I find those that react emotionally lack experience and those with experience seldom react to their emotions.


Should've known by the channel's name I was in for a ride...
Suffice it is safe to say I should expect this when commenting on a video an atheist put out that uses a cartoon to explain why God is bad.
- lol!
The video the discussion was based upon was titled "I Asked a Pastor the Same Question that Made his Daughter an Atheist!".
I assumed clickbait but, low and behold, the author was serious as the video began with a simple to answer question about the difference between behavioral expectations and punishment between the old and the new testaments.
The question was answered quite quickly and very directly explaining that there was a new covenant and touching base upon what that meant.
The video then paused as the cartoon conveyed a jaw drop only to misrepresent the entire argument by framing the old and new testament as God changing his mind on a whim and the unfairness and how mean he must be - seriously.
The arguments were all empty and attempted to use logic as a means to explain existential reason.
If you are not well versed in the reason and understanding of the Bible and/or the relationship between simple things like God, Jesus, the new and the old Testament or are already brainwashed into thinking science has proven "God is fake" I don't suggest watching the video as it is a framework of logical farce but if your knowledge and faith are well rooted you might find humor in how empty some of the arguments and reactions are.
Many comments in I was told I was evil for disagreeing with Atheism and I needed to find a hidden bunker and disappear in it.
- lol...
Needless to say, I decided I was done revisiting youth and bowed out with what hopefully left the young readers the ability to gain some insight.

Old Ideas Become a News Attraction

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Good Morning To You All...

Rise and record :) I woke up and made this video just for you!
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Media's bias: Sales, Satire, and Sorry Attitude

Playing into the denial of media's bias: Sales, Satire, and Sorry Attitude.

SNL backdrops as a selling point for a book and outlook
So there I was going about my daily routine when this story caught my eye, a puff piece to promote a book on CBS News titled:
Is Comedy Too-Liberal and Unfair to Donald Trump? (link)
The setup, perhaps purposely started out exactly as most other articles these days. She started the segment by referring to everyone involved using both their formal title and name except for one person...
There were comedians Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Alec Baldwin, the author of the book Steven Johnson, our Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and Senator Elizabeth Warren but why only "Mister" was used for the title of our nation's top

Melissa McCarthy plays Press Secretary Sean Spicer
executive is merely another show of lack of respect for the POTUS and our Commander in Chief, President Trump.
Why would everyone mentioned have a title but the highest ranking office among them?
The interview proceeded to play bits from Saturday Night Live, SNL, of the latest from each of the above comedians as their portrayal dehumanized and undermined the importance and authority of each office and person before it cut to the author in London.
After showing the latest skit from Alec Baldwin's portrayal of President Trump calling female Judges stewardesses, asserting the immigration order was baseless, and that our president was signing orders without

Kate McKinnon plays Senator Elizabeth Warren
reading them the Brit from Guardian studios smiles as he says SNL is purposely making choices, like casting female actresses to portray male figures, to get under "Trumps" skin.
The anchorwoman concurs and adds in "throwing punchlines when you want to throw punches".
The book's author replied, "Political satire is as important as it's ever been for protest and resistance".
The reporter then questioned. "Can comedy be more 'equal opportunity' rather than being so one sided?"
Well, sadly, It would appear not as his response was that even he felt our president was correct, at least regarding the comedic media, that there was, in fact, an intended and organized bias against him.

Alec Baldwin demeans and reduces President Donald Trump
He stated that comedy was left leaning and that it is only going to go more to the left due to what he said was a quasi-authoritarian white house.
He cites the progressives as being on the side of the underdogs and against the powerful as a reason for why he feels there's a more natural fit for liberal biased comedic acts as he actively begins laughing at our President and calls him our "Media Critic-in-Chief".
As the reporter continues to support the foundation the book author provides as the base of the book being promoted under the premise of a News story

Steven Johnson, the author of the book pitched as news
they envisioned a future of the democratic machine as being headed by none other than Samantha Bee and/or Stephen Colbert and spoke to their potential as Presidential picks next go around.
Steven Johnson is the author of "Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World"
CBSN is the author of profiteering propaganda and leftist talking points.
I am not reading his book, do not watch SNL, and do not consider book promotion a news report.
Do others actually watch and form their opinions and outlooks from this crap?

Can Science relay our origin faithfully?

Is it possible for science to relay us a faithful representation of our origin?
When looking for the reason to life one finds an unexpected journey that leads to many different facets of life.
Scientific evidence does not include mathematic equations
In today's world, everything is classified and broken into segments and compartmentalized for deeper exploration into specific and defined areas. To do so requires we attempt to isolate each potential environmental and behavioral variable to then study the subject's interactions with controlled stimuli until repeatable and eventually expected results occur. This is both an acceptable and a logical approach to understanding what "makes things tick".
Over time, however, I have come to question the usefulness of the above method: To focus on any one particular area or subject is not only to block out the possibilities of interactions with the rest of the universe but potentially breaks any relationships the subject of study may have had with any external objects that we do not yet understand and/or have yet to discover.
As with any problem, if you eliminate, or lower, the number of variables it is easier to wrap your head around the issue and begin trying different solutions until one works.
Do we then continue to add the variables we removed or consider our problem solved while blaming any possible introduction of variables for any future failures?
How many variables remained that we did not or could not isolate, measure, or even know were there?
While it is nice to be precise when measuring we can never be 100% accurate.
How can we propose the accuracy of an experiments control is within an acceptable margin of error if the very acceptance of a margin of error allows for unexpected variables?
How concise can any conclusion be if we understand our control was imperfect and/or our knowledge of the subject's relationship(s), reaction(s), and/or entanglement with any other items the remainder of the universe was unknown?
If these issues exist for items within our natural world as we conduct experiments on Earth, here and now, how can we expect anything regarding the past, future or extra-terrestrial nature be even remotely accurate?
Our natural world is comprised of 99.99% space between atoms
Not only are we using knowledge born of Earthly experimentation at this time in the present to explain the past, future, and/or extra-terrestrial objects, behaviors, and reactions but we are then using mathematical extrapolations of those to expand upon theories born of prior mathematical calculations based upon prior theories. This is done in place of proper experimentation and/or physical measurement of objects and the isolation of the subject from variables is simply not adding variables into the equation.
All that we've been told of the universe may or may not exist in the way it has been taught and might not even exist at all. It is entirely possible that the universe we perceive as reality only exists within the realm of the virtual envisionment the mathematical equations created. It is impossible to know without the expansion of our "natural world" through physical exploration and experimentation of objects, behaviors, and reactions as discovered.
So regarding biology, chemistry, engineering, and other areas that deal with the natural world, those that deal with things we can physically measure, manipulate, and experiment on, we will only ever be close to understanding how certain aspects of certain mechanisms work because they can only be in a control and/or separated from as many another stimuli as we can fathom knowing there is a margin of error.
Everything else is best guess sci-fi extravaganza as they use the most minute bits from imperfect data and balloon it exponentially through scale or a mathematical prediction of a state in the past or the future to explain things not yet discovered using math that has a finite number of variables plugged in by someone that imagined how something might work.
If it doesn't equate do they simply continue to tweak and add variables until their mathematical equation matches their expectation or do they change their expectation after the math gives them something they can imagine?
Is that a rule for information gathered in the present to dig into the past or for use in predicting the future as well?
The square root of any negative results in an imaginary number
Many are using these extrapolations and vague understandings to flesh out an idea of a part of a universe that might or might not exist as contemplated only to then extrapolate from there into the past and then extrapolate the temperature and density of the universe one second after what they call the big bang.
How can someone that says they adhere to the methods of science draw a conclusion without physical experimentation and/or examination?
If one concedes even in the slightest to merely one of the above assertions yet holds firm their disbelief in God, that the Big Bang is our origin, and/or evolution turned slime into human beings they are being disingenuous.
Math, logic, and philosophy have proofs but science does not.
Science is agnostic.
The best science can give in regards to our origin is a hypothesis based on a string of interwoven theories. Our understanding of the universe is a tapestry of theories stitched together by mathematical equations - equations that include imaginary numbers and other expressions that can not exist in our natural world.
So what's this all boil down to?
My thoughts of the day:
One who looks for proof of his existential beliefs is likely to find confirmation of his beliefs.

Floor Plan: Will it Fit?

Now that's a box! How are we going to arrange things inside?
When I first got the gumption to build I was ready to jump straight into construction. Thankfully my financial situation slowed that roll down enough to contemplate buying the minimal amount of materials and to hunt for the least expensive of each type of material I decided to use.
So how do we know where to put the windows and doors when we're building? I made a floor plan, several actually.
It seems to most I'm always figuring out the most difficult way to go about something so I will explain how I went about making these and the whether or not I feel it was worth the time and trouble.
Floor plans were made using Adobe Fireworks
Rather than a CAD program that works in 3D and automates much of the process for blue printing and sizing of materials I went with the pixel counting and actual measuring of each building component I placed into each image on the screen. I used 10px (pixels) per real world inch so a 2x4 that measures 1 1/2" x 3 3/4" was 15px * 37px. After creating one of each component I could clone it whenever I needed to use another one just like picking up another 2x4 in the real world.
Ground Floor set up for multiple daily functions
After I had measured each component for the perimeter of the structure I began to lay out where I felt each item would work best from a top down view. Moving items around the room made the areas a door or windows would work either change to a different position, bounce to a different wall, or not work at all in the space allotted.
Once a space that looked livable began to take shape I needed to figure out where I was going to be in non-waking hours. In the van I simply laid down three seat cushions and rolled out a sleeping bag so I thought maybe I could do the same here since I was tired and it was late.
Thank goodness for an uncomfortable nights sleep! If I was going to live here for any period of time I needed something a little better and potentially a bit more permanent and/or comfortable. Back to the PC with brainstorming and a fresh cup of coffee I went first crack of dawn. Knowing I planned on water catchment and solar panels, upcoming stories :), I knew the roof pitch angle was going to be at or around 40 degrees to allow air and water travel under the panels so I knew I had some height to work with.
Mapping every inch of usable height for living space
The only way to contemplate where and how tall each item was to end up was for me to draw out a vertical plan of the space. Just as before I had to measure and plot each component and then I could clone one if I wanted another one of those items again elsewhere in the plan/image.
I knew I was 5'11" and wasn't going to hit my head on any beams or joists if I set them in at a minimum bottom height of six feet from the decking. Please note it is necessary to contemplate the thickness of the floor covering and veiling drywall or plywood as those thicknesses will subtract from the intended height of that space i.e.: if I put in a floor joist at 6' I would have 1" clearance above my head when framed in but after adding hardwood floors and hanging drywall the ceiling height would only be 5' 10 5/8" and a daily headache for many reasons.
The space for the loft need only be tall enough to sit up in bed and wide enough to sleep comfortably. After living in my van, converted in microRV (stories yet to be written), for 2 years I was capable of sleeping comfily in a 32" wide space which made the projection from the back wall towards the front door stop close enough in the roof slope to retain the ceiling height needed to traverse a mount or dismount from a ladder or stairs without awkwardly squeezing through too tight of a space to get in and out of the loft.
Loft projection into the room is only 36"
The result of doing the floor plan this way is slightly more specific and personalized as compared to the prebuilt programs out there, at least those that I've tried over the years. Some possibilities are opened while some conveniences are lost. Some of the pre-built software solutions are preset with 2x4 for 16" or 24" centers and build around where you want doors and windows for you using coded scripts. Those are nice if you are building to code requirements for an inspection but are typically way overbuilt with way more materials than necessary and further restrict you to code approved heights, distances, spacings and square footages that don't meet the requirements you're after.
I feel my preference leans towards the DIY aspect of creating a project from scratch. Whether it's one pixel plotted on a screen on an Apple 2e from the 80's or seeing how much solar power I could harvest in shade through indirect sunlight, use of bypassing shadowed cells with diodes, and adding multiple arrays or if it's running a human powered generator from windings spinning across a magnet (more later on those). While this method doesn't write a material list for how many 2x4s I need it also doesn't try to upsell me a loan from a bank to cover costs.
All buildings are built one piece at a time. Count the times each item is cloned for parts. Rest assured knowing each and every item will fit as the actual item was measured then calculated from inches into pixels. Placement for openings and cuts can be figured by counting the pixels, dividing by ten and cutting the wood to that measure i.e.: 105px = 10 1/2". It's almost difficult to mess it up.
So what do you think?
Do you have a favorite method or technique you prefer over others you've tried?
If so feel free to let us know in the comments below.

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