
Two Moms Share Terrifying Stories About the Dangers of Fidget Spinners
Two Moms Share Terrifying Stories About the Dangers of Fidget Spinners
Most kids can't get enough of their fidget spinners, but after a slew of injuries, some moms are saying they should be pulled from the shelves.

Who the hell would give a 3 year old an anxiety reducing fidget spinner?
They're made for people with hyper activity and/or anxiety that actively twirl, tap, flip, or squirm around in their chair that uses spinners as a tool to help them mentally focus.
They're also built with ball bearings that are pressed into plastic and/or metal casings and contain small holes in center of each bearing hub.
They are not Fisher Price Sesame Street Elmo teethers or stuffed animals.
These "parents" are idiots!

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