
Macron calls out Russian propaganda while standing next to Putin
Macron calls out Russian propaganda while standing next to Putin
French President Emmanuel Macron stood next to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday and publicly accused the Kremlin of coordinating "lying propaganda" against him in France's election.

Do citizens of other countries dispel claims made by CNN as propaganda of the DNC or BBC as its equivalent English counterpart?
The real hard truth these days is that news is no longer, and/or has never been, merely factually objective but has always had intent and bias driving the facts brought into focus and the spin with which they are propelled into a timeline that suits the narrative of any given media organization, corporation, or governmental body.
To say that CNN or MSNBC is any different than Fox, BBC, or PBS is akin to saying your favorite BB team deserves more credit, honor, or compensation than another simply because they are your home team.
There are actually still people that, even at this late a point, continue to be broken up about and are actively campaigning for Hillary.
One person in fact, an educator of higher learning, that has unfortunately unconsciously trained her child into being her emotional support as let out by bragging on Facebook that her daughter saw her crying and said, "It's ok, when they go low we go high mommy" as a means of consoling her adult college professing liberal parent.
Remember the woman that took her kids out of school and was interviewed on the news as saying "Everything's going to be ok now ad I won't have to worry about paying my rent or putting gas in my car because if I have his back then he'll have mine" during Obama's final campaign stop?
These people are being emotionally manipulated and propagandized purposely for political gain by media organizations that hide under the guise of "news" organizations.
Propaganda is propaganda.
Call a spade a spade!

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