
Allies give blunt reviews of Trump's foreign trip
Allies give blunt reviews of Trump's foreign trip
President Trump received a largely cordial welcome on the first overseas trip of his presidency. But now that he's returned to Washington, the foreign leaders he met with are increasingly blunt in their reviews of the American president. In separate remarks intended mostly for domestic consumption, leaders of Germany, France and Israel all sought to distance themselves from Trump, just days after meeting with the president during his nine-day foreign trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Vatican City,…

Maybe we can give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize so he can begin droning citizens of other countries and Americans travelling abroad afterwards.
Why was the snippet about the Palestinian Authority actually a report of what an Israeli television station reported?
Remember before the berlin wall fell when all the rich kids wanted to be and tried to look European then after the Berlin wall fell all the people in the Eastern Block began to desire looking and acting American?
Americans used to be proud and patriotic but over the past 20 years have become less intrigued by the idea of global trade and more entrenched in a concerted multi-country intercontinental civil disobedience outbreak called "[ethnic group name] spring" to bring about a need for global governance.
Over the last 8 years the intelligence community and the federal government's CFR/UN pigeons have infiltrated media outlets for propaganda at the same time the DNC was infiltrating the those very same communities and round tables through their plants in the liberal media networks under Hillary's post under Obama when she made her famous "InfoWars" statement.
Shortly after Obama's Whitehouse allowed the section in the 2012 NDAA that banned use of propaganda within the US and/or against US citizens to lapse.
It is therefore no surprise the federal government and the intelligence communities are rife with "leaks" to the media and the democrats appear to control the ball, or at least the narrative, in all courts regardless of what republicans do, say, or hold as their title of office.
There: I've left my comment...

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