
A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story
A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story
The journey of one tweet shows how misinformed, distorted and false stories are gaining traction far beyond the fringes of the internet.

Trump said he hopes about Flynn, Comey, under oath, re-iterated that Trump was not under investigation and that Trump nor anyone in his staff asked him to stop investigating nor has he found any signs of collusion up to his dismissal.
This story is doing exactly what they propose the tweet to have done in a lengthier and more wordy way.
Report objectively or announce yourself as biased commentary.
Where are the video clips to corroborate claims?
The only things I can find are rewordings of statements made using synonyms that hold intent rather than the more personal ambiguous words actually alleged to be used by Trump.
Where are the video clips to corroborate claims?
He would have given Flynn immunity or cancelled the investigation himself as he, the head executive, ranks above the FBI director and can by law make orders as such regardless of optics looking bad or others being in disagreement.

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