
Youtube Addiction Leads to Rehab, The Truth About Tiger Woods' DUI, and more - YouTube

YouTube Leads to Rehab, The Truth About Tiger Woods' DUI, and more
BOYS WILL BE BOYS BUT… Why my childhood was ruined... TheDeFrancoFam Vlog: https://youtu...

WTF Phil?
I think whether he is racist against Japanese and/or was merely being swept up by emotions and remembrance of his father doesn't matter as with either of those reasons he laid out a lengthy glimpse into the building blocks that construct his perception of the world for all to see as part of his apology.
Are we to withhold our acceptance of his apology due to judging his life story as insignificant?
If someone feels the need to feel butt hurt over his comments but yet feels compelled to refuse empathy for the reasons he laid out they are exactly what they propose is wrong with the world.
Emotions are fragile and those that allow their emotions to rule them are living in a subjective perception of reality rather than an objective and physical world.

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