
Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
Religious Liberals Sat Out 40 Years Want Game
Faith leaders whose politics fall to the left of center are getting more involved in politics to fight against President Trump's policies.

This is not only old news with new faces, a new generation, but it goes to show how deeply the CIA/NSA has infiltrated into civilian entities.

It isn't just Microsoft, Google, and Facebook but the institutions of religion have become fingers of the hand that has its grip on the hearts and minds of the populace.

It also goes to show which political party is almost entirely controlled by the military industrial complex and which one is more closely based upon individual freedoms of the individual natural born person.

This is why you have "anti-fa" fighting to a previous regime and Democrats pointing the fingers at others for fixing and manipulating elections when it is they themselves that have been doing so for decades the world wide.

Look at all of the world's youth centers and see which organizations control the narratives they push to those groups then look ten years later and see that the talking points of the DNC are the realities of that day.

Please notice it is the DNC that is more closely controlled by the CFR, UN, IMF, and EU.

It should be obvious that they prey on youth as youth are more susceptible to influence as they have a smaller universe of understanding and less experiences to draw from when drawing conclusions about what is objectively reported and what is subjectively narrated.

I am not saying everyone should be a republican by any means but I am saying one should be aware and able to step back and see the obvious mechanisms with which one party or another control the narrative and thus thee perception of reality of those that follow.

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