
Analysis: US airstrike killed dozens of Russians in Syria, but Moscow stays silent

Analysis: US airstrike killed dozens of Russians in Syria, but Moscow stays silentThere are growing indications that US airstrikes killed and injured dozens of Russian military contractors in northern Syria earlier this month. But Moscow is tight-lipped.

If there ever was a single example of just one way in which CNN was shown to be an international instigator of strife between world powers it would be this one singular title that dares Moscow to retort to an action the US may and/or may not have taken.

This has gone too far and CNN is now showing themselves not as an American corporation but as a globalist destabilizer that takes marching orders from liberal power brokers and shares stories back and forth with Aljazeera…

It is the job of a news organization to deliver objective reporting not to destabilize and push narratives.

Fuck you CNN – and your cohorts!

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