
A changing of guard: After unthinkable tragedy, Generation Z emerges loud and clear

A changing of guard: After unthinkable tragedy, Generation Z emerges loud and clearCall to action – propaganda alert:
Up until last week, most of us had never really considered what to call the group of American kids growing up behind the millennials. Those born in the 2000s, who grew up alongside Facebook and Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, have inspired plenty of commentary about the damaging effects of social media and selfies, but little reflection about what they might bring to the table. As with the ...

Generation Z emerged overnight.

It's hard to remember another moment when a changing of the guard was captured as quickly and dramatically, on screen and in real time, as we're seeing now in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school shooting.

With a fearlessness born out of terror and loss, a generation maligned for being too soft and spilling all on social media was ready when a real cause came along.

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