
What Students Said About Guns After 14 of Their Classmates Were Killed

What Students Said About Guns After 14 of Their Classmates Were KilledStudents used Twitter, the news media and a courthouse rally to pressure lawmakers for gun control after a deadly shooting at a Florida high school.

It'll sound something like: "I'm really mead! My teacher, mom, and CNN told me that…"

Are liberals aware that children's brains have yet to fully develop and are still in the stages of forming ideologies without a grasp for realities? – Oh, yeah – I'm quite sure they do – that's why they are used as pawns. Females are typically that way for many years beyond childhood as well which is natures way of helping them relate to their potential children.

Reality awaits menopausal women. Waits to slap them in the face with reality verses their ideological perceptions that helped them help liberal think tanks destroy society due to emotions and reactions rather than logic and weighted responses…

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