
President Donald Trump'S BIG Announcement about the WALL Coming This SUMMER!!!! - YouTube

President Trump'S BIG Announcement Coming This SUMMER!!!!
President Donald Trump's administration plans to announce design finalists for his "big beautiful wall" soon. The announcement will take place sometime in th…



Sub for more: | Chris Ariens for AdWeek reports, A re-air of CBS's 60 Minutes more than doubled the viewership of NBC's Sunday Ni…

More bad news for Kelly.
She's trying to report news and do interviews in a world of narrative story telling...

Weather Channel Founder Wrecks CNN Anchor Over Fake Climate Change News (REACTION) - YouTube

Weather Channel Founder - CNN Climate Change News Fake
John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, wrote a letter recently decrying climate change which puts him at odds with the majority of the mainstream …

This CNN anchor frames up his guest, an actual scientist, as an unknowing bafoon – then this happens...



Hillary subordinate and/or Democrat/NWO loyalist working directly with/for Special Counsel and attempting to undermine Trump by turning Russian collusion probe of candidate into criminal obstruction investigation of president..

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin: 'Comey's Statement Establishes Obstruction Of Justice By Trump'
Trump Obstruction Of Justice -Toobin Comey CNN'
A CNN legal expert reacted strongly after reading the opening remarks former FBI Director James Comey reportedly plans to make in front of Senate lawmakers Thursday.

And when Trump drinks white milk it's because he's racist too, right?

Why You Should Be Skeptical About Polls on Impeaching Trump
Why You Should Be Skeptical About Polls on Impeaching Trump
The numbers are stark: Among registered voters in a Politico/Morning Consult poll at the end of May, 43% want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump, up from 38% the week before. But experts say the polls may mean less than they appear to show.

Deep State Leaker Arrested! - Social Justice Warrior and Black Lives Matter Supporter! - YouTube

Leaker Arrested! Social Justice & Black Lives Matter Supporter!
A low level Deep State operative has been arrested for leaking classified information to the media. Her name is Reality Winner (no joke) and she's a complete…

How do these people survive with such fragile minds?

CNN Admits Fake News About Comey Testimony - Issues Retraction - YouTube

CNN Admits Fake News About Comey Testimony - Issues Retraction
CNN's Fake News about James Comey's testimony backfired big time, so they changed the entire headline and body of an article on their website. Media analyst …

WTF is going on in America anymore?
Trump needs to re-inact the NDAA subsection that bans use of propaganda upon or within the US population...

Bill Burr - Dakota Access Pipeline - YouTube

Bill Burr - Dakota Access Pipeline
Bill Burr talks about the Dakota Access Pipeline.

But what?
It's cheaper to burn diesel in tractor trailer and train engines to haul tiny tanks bumper to bumper than allowing flow through a pipe?
Did the Gulf of Mexico or off shore Alaskan water turn red with oil and kill off hundreds of thousands of fish while coating hundreds of miles of shoreline with sludge killing birds, mammals, and more?
Or was there a comparative puddle in dirt that was comparatively contained comprised of a few gallons rather than tens of thousands of barrels worth of uncontained crude?
C'mon smart guy, what is it I don't know?
Is the sky falling?
Is global warming the cause of Evergreen College?
Is Bernie pro-post-election-pay-off-mansion-buying but still anti-oil?
Or is Jill Stein still pro-pretending-to-get-recounts-to-help-Hillary-with-green-hippie-funds then keeping it for herself?
Maybe ask why Bernie is a capitalist and Stein is a scammer.
Perhaps top charging your electronics with coal and diesel powered electric.
Maybe stop eating food that was transported by truck.
Can you stop breathing air that has been tainted with carbon?
Please, what is it you don't know how to tell me?
Solar powered crystal worshipping non-GMO non-gluten vegan anti-allergy bacteria free organically trapped outside of a cage ideas based on ideologies too simplistic for realism on the tip of your tongue?
I'm a conservative, in the true sense, meaning I conserve and consume very little - likely less than you.
What don't I know that you are having trouble telling me?

How To Make A Generator That Runs On Coca-cola! (Experiment!) - YouTube

How To Make A Generator That Runs On Coca-cola! (Experiment!)
It Runs on Coca-cola!!! Chemical Reactions- Aluminum + water 2Al + 6H2O = 2Al(OH)3 + 3H2 Aluminum + water + Sodium Hydroxide 2Al + 2NaOH + 6H2O = 2NaAl(OH)4 …

Electric generator running off hydrogen off gassed from water.



Now that's funny…


She was shut down by the chairman for not allowing Sessions to answer. She wanted a yes or no answer and sessions wanted to explain..

Common female tactic.
Rush the guy, interrupt the guy, demand the answer in a different format, frame a yes or no question so that either answer plays to your narrative, make the guy off balance…
Too much bias and need to create a gaff to continue this dead end excuse to obstruct national consolidation to a president other than the Hillary she pledged allegiance to.

"YOU JUST CAN'T SHUT UP, You Talk Too Much" - YouTube

"YOU JUST CAN'T SHUT UP, You Talk Too Much"
On CNN'S Anderson Cooper AC360, POLITICAL Commentators Matt Lewis, Jason Miller, Phil Mudd got in heated argument over President Trump's firing of FBI Direct…

CNN studio guests and crew align as a monolith against someone pointing out obvious fractures in the narrative of their agenda and the host allows one off them to begin screaming shut up on the air?

F*ck CNN!

'The Mummy' reboot slammed as 'worst Tom Cruise movie ever' by critics
'The Mummy' reboot slammed 'worst Tom Cruise movie ever'
Universal's first foray into the depths of its Dark Universe probably would have benefitted from a brighter guiding light. After spending over three decades dazzling audiences across large-scale action-adventures on the big screen, Tom Cruise's latest genre spectacle, The Mummy, is set to unravel in theaters this Friday. Movie critics, however, got a peek under wraps this week, as movie reviews for the blockbuster project debuted online Wednesday morning. The consensus? According to a vast maj…

Yet another reboot with a central character that was male getting a female this go round.
Looks like it's full of action and adventure just as the previous mummy films were.
The only difference so far as I can tell from the trailer is that the bad guy this time is a female and she uses a sexy allure as part of her tactic to throw people off kilter and the female supporting character appeared to be less of a cheerleader and more of a coach as she was tougher and more aggressive in regards to comparison with the previous films giving her attitude an air of "like I told you" over the original, "my goodness, thanks".
Why was Tom cruise not replaced with a GMO and/or augmented black fluid gender amoeba?
Both the good and the bad main characters in this film are cis gender and white.

For Trump, the ‘Cloud’ Just Grew That Much Darker
For Trump, the ‘Cloud’ Just Grew That Much Darker
James B. Comey's testimony was almost certainly the most damning j'accuse moment by a senior law enforcement official against a president in a generation.

These TNYT pieces are so emotional.
Is this reporting or dramatic narrative drumming?


Sub for more: | Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, NBC's Megyn Kelly recently interviewed Russian President Vladimir …

Megyn Kelly is a mouthpiece for Putin.
Perhaps she is the true cock holster.

Jump Start a Car with AA Batteries - YouTube

Jump Start a Car with AA Batteries
Your car battery is dead and you like a boost to jump start? Maybe you can use AA batteries to crank the engine... You can read my articles here: https://www...

This is funny video.
Me like it good.

Miles McInnes: Wonder Woman should make no money - YouTube

Miles McInnes: Wonder Woman should make no money
Miles McInnes explains why the new Wonder Woman movie starring a beautiful Israeli actress that loves babies and doesn't shave her armpits, will fail. MORE: …

Gavin has transformed himself into a gay trans non-binary feminist anti-fascist pro-anti-white pro-anti-western pro-anti-male pro-anti-Christian pro-anti-US pro-anti-shaven pro-anti-thin pro-antiperspirant beautiful flower of peace.

The US government cannot be trusted so long as Donald Trump runs it - YouTube

The US government cannot be trusted so long as Donald Trump runs it
Trump's behavior casts a shadow over everyone who serves him. Subscribe to our channel! That is the simple, chilling takeaway of James C…

Using dislike for keyword: "Trump" to push an anti-American / anti-government piece to 2.3 million+ people that identify themselves by the groups Vox uses as a target audience?
Hmm, no propaganda here...

The US government cannot be trusted so long as Donald Trump runs it - YouTube

The US government cannot be trusted so long as Donald Trump runs it
Trump's behavior casts a shadow over everyone who serves him. Subscribe to our channel! That is the simple, chilling takeaway of James C…

Victims Of eXperiencing life through an approved narrative.

Rep. Gohmert: Comey is loyal to Lynch and Clinton - YouTube

Rep. Gohmert: Comey is loyal to Lynch and Clinton
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on former FBI Director James Comey's testimony.

3 names,
3 tactics,
1 narrative...

Democrats: Will new GOP oversight chairman pursue Trump?
Democrats: Will new GOP oversight chairman pursue Trump?
Rep. Trey Gowdy is known as a dogged investigator of Hillary Clinton.

Yes! Gowdy should open investigation over Trump's dealings in Benghazi to prove the AP is non-partisan...

Glamour Magazine brings real proof of gender wage gap! - YouTube

Glamour Magazine brings real proof of gender wage gap!
Two professionals go head to head and compare the real life effects of the infamous 'wage gap' on their careers - a white man and a black woman demonstrate t…

Educational materials for young Marxist agenda 21ists.

We Can Do IT (:30) – University of Phoenix - YouTube

We Can Do IT (:30) – University of Phoenix
As automation takes over manufacturing jobs, a single mom chooses to adapt instead of being left behind. In this inspirational video, she finds the motivatio…

Who is raising the kid?
Who is paying for the education?
Why is she single?
Feminism propaganda poster?
Answer accepted!

Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
Religious Liberals Sat Out 40 Years Want Game
Faith leaders whose politics fall to the left of center are getting more involved in politics to fight against President Trump's policies.

This is not only old news with new faces, a new generation, but it goes to show how deeply the CIA/NSA has infiltrated into civilian entities.

It isn't just Microsoft, Google, and Facebook but the institutions of religion have become fingers of the hand that has its grip on the hearts and minds of the populace.

It also goes to show which political party is almost entirely controlled by the military industrial complex and which one is more closely based upon individual freedoms of the individual natural born person.

This is why you have "anti-fa" fighting to a previous regime and Democrats pointing the fingers at others for fixing and manipulating elections when it is they themselves that have been doing so for decades the world wide.

Look at all of the world's youth centers and see which organizations control the narratives they push to those groups then look ten years later and see that the talking points of the DNC are the realities of that day.

Please notice it is the DNC that is more closely controlled by the CFR, UN, IMF, and EU.

It should be obvious that they prey on youth as youth are more susceptible to influence as they have a smaller universe of understanding and less experiences to draw from when drawing conclusions about what is objectively reported and what is subjectively narrated.

I am not saying everyone should be a republican by any means but I am saying one should be aware and able to step back and see the obvious mechanisms with which one party or another control the narrative and thus thee perception of reality of those that follow.

What Happens When A Black Conservative Debates A Black Nationalist? "We'll Kill You" - YouTube

Black Conservative vs Nationalist? We'll Kill You
Watch Larry Elder get threatened with Murder while debating Black Nationalist Steve Cokely. Here is the fullest version of the debate on Youtube if you want …

As soon as someone equates an entire race made up of individuals that all have a different perception of reality and each have free will into a monolith of "evil" or anything else I know they are either brainwashed, shallow thinkers, or both.

Teacher PRANKS Class to Teach an EPIC Lesson About Freedom | Field Tripped - YouTube

Teacher PRANKS Class Teaches Lesson on Freedom
The founding fathers of America risked their lives in the fight for freedom from King George's rule. High school teacher Nick Ferroni is on a mission to show…

I was enjoying the teaching of sticking to principles until the narrative of protest being the takeaway from the lesson took hold.
Sticking to your guns doesn't mean joining up with a group of activists.
I feel this should've been corrected, edited, or used as a learning opportunity to show that obstruction and activism can sometimes be detrimental to your cause.

Trump takes second crack at a pivot next week with apprentice push
Trump takes second crack at a pivot next week with apprentice push
President Donald Trump will promote a plan to help companies find more skilled workers to fill jobs.

Never slowing down and never backing down in an attempt to give a diverse number of options to benefit a diverse makeup of people.
It's easy to shoot down the attempts made to better the lives of others.
It's also easy to avoid your own shortcomings when attempting to point out flaws of someone that is in a better station of life.
Trump about as dumb as he is poor but mud slingers can not perceive a depth of existence deeper than the relief on the ink a talking point narrative creates when printed on a single sheet of paper...

It Was Russia! Hillary Clinton Edition - YouTube

It Was Russia! Hillary Clinton Edition
Watch as Hillary Clinton blames Russia for all her problems. Get your exclusive merch here! Putin foota...

Even the vids that outline her stupidity are hard to watch because she's in them...

Reality Winner NSA Leaker Denied Bond because she had detail plans to burn the White House down!!! - YouTube

Reality Winner NSA Leaker Denied Bond!!!
Woman accused of leaking classified information once wrote she wanted "to burn the White House Down...find somewhere in Kurdistan to live," prompting prosecu…

Her facial features are an amalgam of three people I once shared experiences with and they were equally as I tune with the smell of the interior of their own arses.
I've been told I am anti-women but let's face it, I'm merely anti-[people that live in a Disney Princess PC liberal political narrative dreamland] with which is a trap that many females fall within and truly perceive as if it is objective reality.
Bring back the NDAA ban of propaganda that lapsed under Obama!
God help us all!

Why NSA Leaker Reality Winner's Imprisonment is Unjust - YouTube

Why NSA Leaker Reality Winner's Imprisonment is Unjust
Reality Winner is a young woman that has been imprisoned because she reportedly leaked a classified National Security Agency document to The Intercept. The d…

Whistle blowing is way different than leaking classified documents that you take an oath to protect.
If you support the leaking of classified documents that you took an oath to protect you were either being dishonest in your intent to uphold your oath or you are a spineless piece of shit!
Do you both morally and materially support someone releasing classified documents?
If so, YOU are equally as treasonous as someone that breaks their oath.
Read the following entire page before you deny it would be treason to do so.

Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
Religious Liberals Sat Out of Politics for 40 Years. Now They Want in the Game.
Faith leaders whose politics fall to the left of center are getting more involved in politics to fight against President Trump's policies.

TNYT does not have an issue with sloppy fact checking, just full on propagandizing.
Ever since bought by Beff Jezos this paper has been not only a place for liberal talking points but it has departed reality and begun to manufacture its reports to create a narrative.
People are willing to believe things that support their bias and ignore or forget retractions.
100% narrative 24/7...

Moldavite: Proof That the Truth is Stranger Than Fiction - My Moldavite Experience - YouTube

Moldavite: Proof That the Truth is Stranger Than Fiction - My Moldavite Experience
The incredible things I read about Moldavite are actually true. Moldavite is proof that the truth is stranger than fiction – and there are some amazing thing…

I'm that way with 2:34 and 12:34 but without aid from any [known] external force.
1:11 and 11:11 is another one.
1:47+1:47+10:47+10:47+11:47+11:47 gives you 6 chances per day of seeing it on a clock.

Trump may be headed to Supreme Court, literally
Trump may be headed to Supreme Court, literally
President Trump has called Chief Justice John Roberts an "absolute disaster." Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, he's said, "her mind is shot." Federal courts in general are "slow and political."

This comment will echo the talking points of the political party I associate with my "self" and wear as a fashionable statement of trendiness.

A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story
A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story
The journey of one tweet shows how misinformed, distorted and false stories are gaining traction far beyond the fringes of the internet.

Trump said he hopes about Flynn, Comey, under oath, re-iterated that Trump was not under investigation and that Trump nor anyone in his staff asked him to stop investigating nor has he found any signs of collusion up to his dismissal.
This story is doing exactly what they propose the tweet to have done in a lengthier and more wordy way.
Report objectively or announce yourself as biased commentary.
Where are the video clips to corroborate claims?
The only things I can find are rewordings of statements made using synonyms that hold intent rather than the more personal ambiguous words actually alleged to be used by Trump.
Where are the video clips to corroborate claims?
He would have given Flynn immunity or cancelled the investigation himself as he, the head executive, ranks above the FBI director and can by law make orders as such regardless of optics looking bad or others being in disagreement.