
UNITED NATIONS SHOCKED WHEN CONFRONTED by Mosab Yousef as he Boldly Speaks Truth to Power

UN SHOCKED WHEN Mosab Yousef Boldly Speaks Truth to Power
UNITED NATIONS SHOCKED WHEN CONFRONTED by Mosab Yousef as he Boldly Speaks Truth to Power
Just an FYI: Your video is good
but your explanation of the UN is from books written by those that push its agendas. >> The UN was built around an agenda pushing global rule by one party on Rockefeller donated land with funding by "The Lucifer Trust". Albert Pike spells out exactly why Ben Franklin was involved in more than one revolutionary war and why Lady Liberty came to our shores.
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++UNITED NATIONS SHOCKED WHEN CONFRONTED by Mosab Yousef as he Boldly Speaks Truth to Power

##UNITED NATIONS SHOCKED WHEN CONFRONTED by Mosab Yousef as he Boldly Speaks Truth to Power - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #UNITED #NATIONS #SHOCKED #WHEN #CONFRONTED #Mosab #Yousef #Boldly #Speaks #Truth #Po#wer >> Commentary @ |
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