
Jason Chaffetz Testifies Against Obama and IRS Crimes To Congress

Jason Chaffetz Testifies Against Obama and IRS Crimes To Congress
Jason Chaffetz Testifies Against Obama and IRS Crimes To Congress

A must watch session of congress that breaks down the latest globalist banker IRS scheme, with Obama's blessing, to control our republic by the purse strings…

And to think that Antifa is protesting, fighting, and causing chaos to perpetuate the governance of the past administration that was in cahoots with the IRS and the Head Executive of our nation at the time that was a part of this scandal.

Not only is Antifa a fascist organization but this proof that both the IRS and the Democrats are the fascist globalist facilitators of the demise of American society and free peoples around the world.

Disband the IRS to break the banks control over our populace.

We can not be a free people if we are in debt, on behalf of "our" governments deal with globalists, to financial interests that benefit a globalist third party...

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