
NASA admits space is fake! A reply to an Atheist troll

NASA admits space is fake! A reply to an Atheist troll
Breaking News nasa admits space is fake! Earth is Flat people

In reply to an Atheist troll:

A) I'm neither a flat-Earther nor a ball-Earther as my property isn't large enough to need to account for any differences
B) Unicorns were Rhinoceri or Oryx from thousands of years ago
C) Fairies are derived from fee or female naturalists in antiquity
D) Bigfoot are, more recently, bears with mange while they could also be tales derived from back when homo Neanderthals lived among Sapiens
E) Ghosts are remnants of animism
F) the Bible is a culmination of stories and oral traditions spanning multiple cultures over thousands of years from back before Mesopotamia, the Levant, the Aroi, and more that was then written down, in what was then - in that culture - at that time - with their available tech - seen as, the history of mankind in the world as they knew it
G) supernatural = anything that occurs that science can't explain - anything
H) make believe fantasy is either just that, fantastic stories, or make believe, i.e. school.

I prefer to use the scientific method for myself rather than merely believe what I'm told is true.
While I can easily spout out regurgitated "facts" I was taught and tested upon in school I can only attest to the validity of those I've actually used and have experience with.
If you trust a teacher won't deceive or slight you, you are believing in them just as a church goer believes in his minister's word as truth - both are without evidence...

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