
A Black Man Went Undercover Online As a White Supremacist, Here Is What He Learned

A Black Man Went Undercover Online As a White Supremacist, Here Is What He Learned
A Black Man Went Undercover Online As a White Supremacist, Here Is What He Learned

The most important part of this entire segment is less than a minute in where he – himself, in front of a presumably (mostly) black crowd, said that Al Sharpton and Barack Obama were race baiters and was met with silence rather than interjections of protest and/or retorts. Then they cut to the interview where the "He's one of us" back patting and "white people are bad" build-up began…

I'm an equal opportunity mother fucker that expects the same fruits from race, sex, and creed so what I heard was truth in jest , his sarcasm.

To me it is as simple as this: work, make money, save, spend wisely, be better than those that don't.

In today's world it doesn't matter if you are poor, white, broke, and toothless because a rich black guy will pretend to be your pal then go on the Roland Martin show just like a poor, black, broke, and toothless dude would likely be used as an example for what's wrong with the whole by some grandstanding rich white guy.

The difference is that when this guy does it he gets on a show and gets patted on the back and congratulated.

Wrong is wrong.
Two wrongs don't make it right.
Using the foolish minority as a means to paint the majority with a broad brush is easily done by anyone that wants to create a strawman argument backed by racial bias.

Equality is based upon equal expectations not equal outcomes.
Equal outcomes without equal expectations is the basis of favoritism.
Everyone in a hard spot always looks out at the rest of the world as having it easy.
Those that escape hard times realize it was hard works and the other pre-mentioned actions that both they and whites that reached the same bar have in common.

There are just as many shitty black people born rich that could give a fuck less about whites as there is the other way around.

Neither should be accepted!

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