
100 Perfectly Timed Photos #1 | Very Funny!

100 Perfectly Timed Photos #1 | Very Funny!
100 Perfectly Timed Photos #1 | Very Funny!

Too many great images to clip – MUST WATCH!

Bears attack man's car after he and his family flee hurricane Irma
Bears attack man's car after he and his family flee hurricane Irma
A mama bear and her cubs locked themselves in an SUV and Travis Gonzalez bravely had to open the door to help them escape. After fleeing with his family from Hurricane Irma, Gonzalez encountered another battle with Mother Nature when a family of bears attacked his vehicle. The bear family got away but not before doing some major damage to the car's interior.'s Keleigh Nealon ( has more.

A dorky video narrative but WOW!
From escaping a hurricane to bears in your car?!?!



Plantation politics of calling our US President a slave master of blacks comes from the mouth of a CNN guest…

This Photo of a Heinz Ketchup Bottle at Walmart Shows Why Amazon Is a Killer
This Photo of a Heinz Ketchup Bottle at Walmart Shows Why Amazon Is a Killer
If one wanted to check in on how the war between and Walmart was transpiring, they might not need to look any further than the ketchup aisle. Analysts at Wolfe Research recently returned…

It is a ploy to trap buyers into spending more!
To get the $2.49 ketchup, a $0.99 savings, you have to join their "Prime Pantry" service that'll cost you $80 per year.
Can't find any canned corn or peas in amazon's "Prime Pantry" so I had to go into the normal "Prime" section to find a 15.25 oz can of corn for $6.64 per can but in Walmart I can get a can of corn for $0.68 per can - WTF?
Why would you pay $80 per year to then pay an extra $6 per can of corn or $7.50 per gallon of water?
What a sham!

Jason Chaffetz Testifies Against Obama and IRS Crimes To Congress

Jason Chaffetz Testifies Against Obama and IRS Crimes To Congress
Jason Chaffetz Testifies Against Obama and IRS Crimes To Congress

A must watch session of congress that breaks down the latest globalist banker IRS scheme, with Obama's blessing, to control our republic by the purse strings…

And to think that Antifa is protesting, fighting, and causing chaos to perpetuate the governance of the past administration that was in cahoots with the IRS and the Head Executive of our nation at the time that was a part of this scandal.

Not only is Antifa a fascist organization but this proof that both the IRS and the Democrats are the fascist globalist facilitators of the demise of American society and free peoples around the world.

Disband the IRS to break the banks control over our populace.

We can not be a free people if we are in debt, on behalf of "our" governments deal with globalists, to financial interests that benefit a globalist third party...

Hillary, Ouija Boards, Pizza, and Border Patrol Costumes this Halloween
Hillary, Ouija Boards, Pizza, and Border Patrol Costumes this Halloween
With Halloween fast approaching, costumes are quickly filling the racks. And one costume, in particular, is under fire.

Seems to me they knew what they were doing, it's sold out already!
How many of those bitching are buying Hillary costumes for their children's gay inclusive séance with ouija boards and pizza?

Talking Kitty Cat 7.5 - Sylvester's Catnip Overdose

Talking Kitty Cat 7.5 - Sylvester's Catnip Overdose
Talking Kitty Cat 7.5 - Sylvester's Catnip Overdose

Sylvester's voice is kind of creepy!

NASA admits space is fake! A reply to an Atheist troll

NASA admits space is fake! A reply to an Atheist troll
Breaking News nasa admits space is fake! Earth is Flat people

In reply to an Atheist troll:

A) I'm neither a flat-Earther nor a ball-Earther as my property isn't large enough to need to account for any differences
B) Unicorns were Rhinoceri or Oryx from thousands of years ago
C) Fairies are derived from fee or female naturalists in antiquity
D) Bigfoot are, more recently, bears with mange while they could also be tales derived from back when homo Neanderthals lived among Sapiens
E) Ghosts are remnants of animism
F) the Bible is a culmination of stories and oral traditions spanning multiple cultures over thousands of years from back before Mesopotamia, the Levant, the Aroi, and more that was then written down, in what was then - in that culture - at that time - with their available tech - seen as, the history of mankind in the world as they knew it
G) supernatural = anything that occurs that science can't explain - anything
H) make believe fantasy is either just that, fantastic stories, or make believe, i.e. school.

I prefer to use the scientific method for myself rather than merely believe what I'm told is true.
While I can easily spout out regurgitated "facts" I was taught and tested upon in school I can only attest to the validity of those I've actually used and have experience with.
If you trust a teacher won't deceive or slight you, you are believing in them just as a church goer believes in his minister's word as truth - both are without evidence...

Clinton: Trump has 'been even worse than I thought he would be'
Clinton: Trump has 'been even worse than I thought he would be'
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton slammed President Trump on Saturday, saying his presidency is worse than she expected it would be.

Hillary's next and upcoming book debuts in 2018: "Is Anyone Still Listening? (You Still Like Me Right?)" – LOL!!!

Rise And Rise of Motley Crue

Rise And Rise of Motley Crue
Rise And Rise of Motley Crue

The take-a-way? Nikki Sixx can't play the bass and they all wore tights before stardom…
(First album was the best)

The Led Zeppelin Story

The Led Zeppelin Story
The Led Zeppelin Story

So much harmony. So much hardship. So much heart.
A great doc…

James Comey spoke at Howard University. It did not go well.
James Comey's speech at Howard University did not go well
Students at Howard University loudly protested former FBI Director James Comey Friday as he delivered a convocation address.

A) The "HU Resist" activism group made him out as a white supremacist with anecdotal evidence
B) "HU Resist" made a loud obnoxious scene chanting insignificant words ruining other black students ceremony
C) CNN twisted the "HU Resist" chants into talking points then ended the article abruptly diving in with their own rhetoric including Trump, Russia, & Mueller
- Yet another example of fruitless shouting, obstructionism, and -of course- biased CNN coverage…

Are space walks happening in a pool? Does NASA think we are stupid?
Are space walks happening in a pool?

Swimming pools are usually either blue or green creating a perfect backdrop for a green screen, it is plausible. There are many instances where what appear to be bubbles can be seen in official NASA vids. that is what he is likely referring to. I choose not to believe things until I can experience them through one or more of my senses and/or experience their effect, the rest I hold as speculation or assumption rather than objective fact. That includes both space being real and/or space being in a pool with green screen. either way is the same difference in my daily grind and neither position affects my objectively experienced findings of reality.

New Yorkers Want Surgery To Look Like Ivanka Trump
New Yorkers Want Surgery To Look Like Ivanka Trump
In New York, requests for the Ivanka look are on the rise.

Just goes to show how flippantly wishy washy and insecure these rich credit card spending plastic implanting artificial reality group thinking democrats are.
What surgeries are the women lining up for?

Canada unveils monument to US Civil War
Canada unveils monument to US Civil War
Canada has unveiled its first monument to the US Civil War, honouring the 40,000 Canadians who fought during America's bloodiest conflict.

Now is when Canada makes its move to better itself by naturalization of white nationalists to expand its cities into the untapped wilderness in the west while all the governments new foreign dependents continue to group into smaller and smaller spaces in the cities costing more money and consuming more resources!

Trump's childhood home becomes showcase for refugees
Trump's childhood home becomes showcase for refugees
President Donald Trump's childhood home in New York had some new occupants over the weekend — refugees who shared their stories as a way to draw attention to the refugee crisis as the United Nations General Assembly convenes this week…

The UN paid one nights sleep for refugees to be in Trumps childhood home during his speech?
Yeah, definitely helping the little guy UN, huh?

Violence erupts at Georgia Tech after police kill student
Violence erupts at Georgia Tech after police kill student
A police car burned, officers were injured and Georgia Tech went on lockdown for the second time since police killed a student Saturday.

"They" was apparently killed in a suicide by cop.
They is now being used as a (non-binary) LGBTQ+ martyr.
They's followers are now going to avenge they by fighting with cops and burning police cruisers.
They was white but that, I'm sure, will not stop other groups from somehow conflating they's pronoun as being equivalent to being non-white and thusly was killed due to some type of racial/sexual motivation.
They's family must be dealing with some interesting and awkward emotions right now.

'Playas Gon' Play' Songwriters Sue Taylor Swift Over 'Shake It Off'
'Playas Gon' Play' Songwriters Sue Taylor Swift Over 'Shake It Off'
The songwriters who wrote 3LW's 2001 hit "Playas Gon' Play" are claiming that Taylor Swift ripped them off. TMZ reports that Sean Hall and Nathan Butler are suing Taylor for 20 percent of her 2014 hit "Shake It Off."

After listening up through the first stanza of the first chorus section it doesn't even appear that it is similar enough to be considered a sample much more than a coincidence created by the use of a small set of modern culture's popular Ebonics slang terms.
We'll see how long it takes before race enters the issue as a means to sway opinion and make people choose sides…

Texas woman claims Hobby Lobby's cotton stalks are racist, Facebook post goes viral
Texas woman claims Hobby Lobby's cotton stalks are racist, Facebook post goes viral
A Texas woman was drawn into an intense racial debate on Hobby Lobby's public Facebook page after she took offense to the company selling cotton stems.

Anything can be racist if the person viewing it seeks to find racist intentions.
How many black people suffered to get the gold on the electronic runners within the PC you typed your protest of cotton stems on?
How many Indian bones are buried under your house?
How many 3rd world children suffered sticking together your shirts and pants?
Give everything you've ever worked for, were gifted, and possess to people of another race, strip naked, and live in the woods as part of nature's insects and animals- OR -realize your race has also taken part in bad dealings at some point in the history of human kind...

Obama goes from White House to Wall Street in less than a year
Obama goes from White House to Wall Street in less than a year
Hillary Clinton says she made a mistake when she gave speeches on Wall Street after leaving government.

You're kidding right?
He was the one that gave our nations insurance coverage to the special interest groups paid for by wall street you dumbasses!

Trans Parents Convince Their 5 Year Old That She's Transgender

Trans Parents Convince Their 5 Year Old That She's Transgender
Trans Parents Convince Their 5 Year Old That She's Transgender

The video is abrasive but the original video of these trans "parents" is child (mental) abuse!



Seems scientific and non-emotionally biased to me.
Perhaps it is merely stupidity…

UC Berkeley Staff Call for Boycott In Response to Free Speech Week

UC Berkeley Staff Call for Boycott In Response to Free Speech Week

So here's even more proof that college faculty are the instigators of issues on campuses…

Trump Using Child Labor

Trump Using Child Labor

Forced child labor and white favoritism.
How deplorable!

Eric Bolling's Son Murdered After Ex-Fox News Host Exposed Hillary Clinton!

Eric Bolling's Son Murdered After Ex-Fox News Host Exposed Hillary Clinton!

Politics aside, He must be devastated and shaken to the core…

iPhone X (parody)

iPhone X (parody)

Because iPhone 9 was too affordable

End of mission -: NASA's Cassini crashes into Saturn
End of mission -: NASA's Cassini crashes into Saturn
It was an emotional finale for space scientists as NASA's Cassini spacecraft ended its mission with a crash into Saturn on Friday, ending its 13-year orbit of the planet. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Are we to believe a satellite actually existed out that far simply because they have a cartoon of a satellite crashing into a cartoon planet that has cartoon rings?
Or do they lull children into thinking they are seeing an image of the satellite in close proximity to the planet?
Hey, what camera was there to image the other satellite?
It's all fake! LOL

A Black Man Went Undercover Online As a White Supremacist, Here Is What He Learned

A Black Man Went Undercover Online As a White Supremacist, Here Is What He Learned
A Black Man Went Undercover Online As a White Supremacist, Here Is What He Learned

The most important part of this entire segment is less than a minute in where he – himself, in front of a presumably (mostly) black crowd, said that Al Sharpton and Barack Obama were race baiters and was met with silence rather than interjections of protest and/or retorts. Then they cut to the interview where the "He's one of us" back patting and "white people are bad" build-up began…

I'm an equal opportunity mother fucker that expects the same fruits from race, sex, and creed so what I heard was truth in jest , his sarcasm.

To me it is as simple as this: work, make money, save, spend wisely, be better than those that don't.

In today's world it doesn't matter if you are poor, white, broke, and toothless because a rich black guy will pretend to be your pal then go on the Roland Martin show just like a poor, black, broke, and toothless dude would likely be used as an example for what's wrong with the whole by some grandstanding rich white guy.

The difference is that when this guy does it he gets on a show and gets patted on the back and congratulated.

Wrong is wrong.
Two wrongs don't make it right.
Using the foolish minority as a means to paint the majority with a broad brush is easily done by anyone that wants to create a strawman argument backed by racial bias.

Equality is based upon equal expectations not equal outcomes.
Equal outcomes without equal expectations is the basis of favoritism.
Everyone in a hard spot always looks out at the rest of the world as having it easy.
Those that escape hard times realize it was hard works and the other pre-mentioned actions that both they and whites that reached the same bar have in common.

There are just as many shitty black people born rich that could give a fuck less about whites as there is the other way around.

Neither should be accepted!

St Louis Reporter speaks with Antoine Johnson, brother of shooting victim

St Louis Reporter speaks with Antoine Johnson, brother of shooting victim

"These laws are not made for us they're made for y'all" is a typical retort from someone that has had their brainwashed by systemic racist teachings in the community, culture, church, and home.
I am a post 14th amendment white male born into the same financial servitude as you were.
Many pre 14th amendment blacks saw that as an upgrade from slavery.
Many post 14th amendment whites see that as erosion of freedom.
We are all in the same boat.
Stop fighting us over who gets to navigate when we all want freedom as individuals...

The earliest evidence of the number zero found in ancient manuscript
The earliest evidence of the number zero found in ancient manuscript
Experts at Oxford University believe they have discovered the origin of the zero symbol in an Indian Bakhshali manuscript. Jose Sepulveda (@josesepulvedatv) has more.

But zero is a place holder.
Zero contains nothing.
Nothing of something is zero.
Zero is not a number but a representation of none.

THE TRUTH ABOUT ATLANTIS - Graham Hancock on London Real

THE TRUTH ABOUT ATLANTIS - Graham Hancock on London Real
THE TRUTH ABOUT ATLANTIS - Graham Hancock on London Real

Teachers with incomplete knowledge pass guesses as factual objective truth then hide evidence that does not corroborate with their narrative.
That is the norm of today's society.

World Civ is derived from warfare

WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN ON SEPT 23, this will shock the world
World Civ is derived from warfare

It is a sad story from history that is mirrored by many other atrocities that many other peoples, tribes, races, clans, and nomads have been through since the beginning of time - slavery included.
The sooner we all acknowledge it was the ruling class's command of the mass and not the singular individuals we can all move on.
So many generations have passed and so many have been born into a world where that was not the reality.
History can be used to educate and history can be conditioned to control the classes.
If we teach history to our children as a part of culture all is well but if we teach history to our children to create separation and anger we are perpetuating the suffering of future generations.

Tiny House Warriors – Our Land is Home
Tiny House Warriors – Our Land is Home

Please note the founders of this movement – they themselves write: "The Tiny House Warrior movement will be the start of re-establishing village sites and asserting our authority over our unceded Territories."

Meaning the land was unused, vacant, and/or abandoned but they are here now to "re-establish" the area as a place for poor homeless Indians to live.

They are using building materials and products derived from oil byproducts, mass produced engineered lumber, and putting them on wheeled trailers and equipment that is dependent upon oil and/or gas burning engines as a means of transport – to fight "big oil"...

If anything had been learned from Standing Rock it should be that native people fighting for their native land is much different than advertising to the masses of city dwellers to create an influx of white activist youth that will come, party, and trash the place.

While it is nice to help poor families have homes, is placing them strategically in the path of a battle over a pipeline helpful to them?

If it is a claim to preserve the people and help the homeless, why were you not building houses for them and "re-establishing village sites" before?

Perhaps it is simply the modern way people attempt to place themselves as righteous but this appears to be a publicity stunt at the final expense of the poor families being put within a conflict zone.

These people need a home not activism.

This is disingenuous and a misrepresentation of intent.

Indians did not build teepees and wigwams filled with poor and helpless families on the horse trails of white settlers to impede their trek to California.

Activism hurts intent by deflecting the issue – and refocusing to a new problem with new victims.

43 anti white commercials

43 anti white commercials

Some people are so easily conned into not seeing what is blatantly presented before them…

Michigan student refuses to stand for Pledge of Allegiance

Michigan student refuses to stand for Pledge of Allegiance

Children don't have rights to protest, adults do.
It is not a societal right to defy the teacher that is there to inform you of the societal structure and behavior/cultural norms of that society.
The parents are wearing #hashtag shirts and going to the media?
Are they related to and/or worshippers of Kapernik or are they merely anti-American?
It appears they are followers of their children rather than parental figures that give guidance, boundaries, and moral authority.

Hillary Interview Interrupted for Sneezing Panda 😂 - YouTube

Hillary Interview Interrupted for Sneezing Panda 😂

1 ½ Year old clip from YouTube actually is important enough to interrupt a Hillary Clinton interview!
I have to say, however, the interruption of a report from a congress(wo)man on NSA spying on Americans doesn't hold water because MSNBC viewers actually would be more interested in "the Bieb" than grown-up stuff like privacy and freedom…

Storm Jose likely to strengthen into hurricane - NHC
Storm Jose likely to strengthen into hurricane - NHC
Tropical Storm Jose could regain hurricane strength on Friday and cause life-threatening rip currents along portions of the United States east coast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said.

While many applaud the storm's name having Latin decent many fear this will cause negative connotations and associations with Latinos and harm to the US.
After all, everybody knows that under all the hype hurricanes are actually angry white clouds doing the bidding of fascist institutionally racist regimes…
Which groups will be the most heavily impacted by a storm named Jose?

Antifa: Guardians against fascism or lawless thrill-seekers?
Antifa: Guardians against fascism or lawless thrill-seekers?
Militant anti-fascists come from a variety of backgrounds but are united by the belief that free speech is secondary to squashing fascism before it takes root.

This story is all over the place.
At least it shows that they are not there to be peaceful.
The personal spin created by attempting to narrate this drug addicts halfway house living, energy drink chugging, and nicotine gum lip smacking while having no job and no prospects for trying to get one falls into a black hole of antifa is good by the end of the piece. WTF?
It's painfully obvious there's more than one side to antifa. You have the older generation hippies that direct emotional angst to persuade these youth and then we have the youth that want violence, drugs, and excitement.
Incitement and excitement are a bad combination when wielding weapons and armor.
The commune message the elders say they want doesn't translate well to the youth that want to break stuff…

Machine grinds dangerous needles into harmless confetti
Machine grinds dangerous needles into harmless confetti
The program started as a 6-month pilot project but it's still going strong now two years later.

Now we can get AIDs from parades…

There is no 'heat of the moment' in video games
There is no 'heat of the moment' in video games
PewDiePie said there was no excuse, but he gave one anyway

So first they say there is no heat of the moment unless you are in a fist fight or a car crash.
Then they say it is also not PC to say it during those events.
Essentially they simply wanted to lengthen their story from "he said a bad word so he is a really mean meanie".
Next there will be Antifa gamers out to thwart his high score...

'Somebody needs to go to jail' for nursing home ordeal. Somebody might.
'Somebody needs to go to jail' for nursing home ordeal. Somebody might.
When the rooms at a Hollywood nursing home became too hot to bear on Tuesday night, some of the elderly patients were rolled out in their beds and wheelchairs into the hallway on the second floor. They were left there…

Coming next week: Violent masked protests bashing windows against right-wing Irma…

Former NBA player given prison for selling guns stolen in train heist
Former NBA player given prison for selling guns stolen in train heist
Just days after Nathan Driggers bought a load of brand-new Ruger pistols stolen from a South Side rail yard and resold them, weapons taken in the heist started showing up at crime scenes across the city, federal prosecutors say.

Yes, they allowed him to choose then gave it to him.
Let's all hope they forcefully cuffed him and put him behind bars against his consent.
Do these writers actually read?