
Conway racked up consulting gigs last year, financial forms show
Kellyanne Conway made 10 paid speaking gigs and held down 66 consulting clients in the midst of the 2016 presidential campaign, according to newly disclosed financial disclosure forms.

Strong woman + republican views = bad news for democrats;
Quick, find more ways to demonize her.
If she's not dehumanized soon other women will begin to open their eyes.
Did Hillary's loss not solidify all sexes and genders are tired of having life and thought controlled by democratic doctrine?
So far it appears the new head of the DNC has the right idea, fire everybody...Lol
He's helping to drain the swamp because the democrats have become political jihadists rather than a party that works within the confines of the constitution.
Perhaps this next iteration of Democrats will be Americans again rather than globalist UN and CFR insurgents and infiltrators...

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