
Warren builds her brand with 2020 down the road
Warren builds her brand with 2020 down the road
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says she's not running for president.

Remember back when she bucked the system and progressives were outsiders?
Now she is the system and progressives pretend they are still working against "the man" when they are in fact actually against the working white male.
Either Elizabeth Warren changed or she was fake from the beginning!

Trump says he'll mark 100 days with Pennsylvania rally
Trump says he'll mark 100 days with Pennsylvania rally
Trump hits 100 days on April 29 — that's next Saturday.

AP wrote a headline that was almost as long as the story.

Why people are marching for science: ‘There is no Planet B’
Why people are marching for science: ‘There is no Planet B’
Companion events are scheduled in hundreds of cities around the world.

It's a non-political anti-Trump scientific sit-in so the scientists could scream subjective emotional chants to get what from whom regarding anything objective?
"Science" is now infiltrated by activists and is in need of emotional support?

Bill O’Reilly’s former show turns out the lights
Bill O’Reilly’s former show turns out the lights
Greg Gutfeld closed the curtain on Fox News's "The Factor" Friday night as the program that has existed for 20 years under former host Bill O'Reilly officially went off the air.

Another example of white/male privilege.
How strong the impression implanted that white males rule the world while merely accusing one of something against a female and/or non-white will smear their life's work…
White males are the only group that are not protected by federal human rights laws.

Abducted Tennessee Teen Reunited With Family: Lawyer
Abducted Tennessee Teen Reunited With Family: Lawyer
The 15-year-old was in a safe location with her family and resting comfortably after police found her in a remote California cabin earlier this week.

There was a male involved, that means automatic fault on his part and the intent is always bad. - liberal media turned the real world into a lifetime TV special...

The bizarre thing you've never noticed about Ivanka Trump
The bizarre thing you've never noticed about Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump is exactly the type of person for whom the expression "not a hair out of place" was invented.

This is a story about someone related to Trump so I am going to shut it out and lambaste anyone who dare speak kindly of her or her father because I am so close-minded and spiritually fragile that I think science being infiltrated with activism is a good

Don't look now: Hillary's back
Don't look now: Hillary's back
March represented a turning point as Clinton ratcheted up her opposition to Trump.

Hasn't the western world already seen enough "fail"

What is "ramspecking"?
What is "ramspecking"?

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer used the unusual term at Tuesday's briefing, leaving many viewers scratching their heads


Yet tomorrow they will say he's dumb, ignorant, clueless, etc.


Man Discovers Mysterious Large Face on Canada Cliffside After 2-Year Search - ABC News
Man Discovers Mysterious Large Face on Canada Cliffside After 2-Year Search
A mysterious, large face on the cliffside of an island in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve has been rediscovered by a man who's been on a two-year search for it.

Quality of the report could potentially been better but it was likely a local story for a local station. Quite interesting subject matter. Hope to hear more about it in the future.

First Lady Melania Trump Makes Rare White House Appearance with Husband Donald
First Lady Melania Trump Makes Rare White House Appearance w/ Husband Donald
First Lady Melania Trump made a rare White House appearance alongside President Donald Trump Tuesday night as they welcomed senators and their spouses for a reception in the East Room.

One thing we can know for sure is that he really loves this woman!
Just look at the grin on his face.
The soft peer, gentle jaw, and unwrinkled forehead show his pride, comfort, and happiness to see her.

Qatar Airways will offer business passengers laptop loans after U.S. tech ban
Qatar Airways will offer business passengers laptop loans after U.S. tech ban
The airline will offer a free laptop rental service to any business class passenger traveling on a U.S.-bound flight.

Link and website tracking included.
Don't forget to visit your PayPal and log into your credit card accounts…

Donald Trump Revives Call To 'Change Libel Laws'
Donald Trump Revives Call To 'Change Libel Laws'
President Donald Trump tweeted another attack against The New York Times and called for libel laws to be changed.

At Foxconn those nets would be used to keep their labor force from committing suicide before the end of their shifts but in the New York Times it is to draw a parallel to the mental jail the writers are confined to while at work.
It appears he has learned how to subliminally cage people in to focus on their task at hand through uses of drab, faded, and consistent colors or textures in this building just as he has developed and designed within his psych op rat maze labyrinth of tunnels in his warehouses at Amazon.

Putin says claims that Russia interfered in US elections are 'lies'
Putin says claims that Russia interfered in US elections are 'lies'
Putin says anti-Russian rhetoric used for political purposes in the US, calls them lies.

It was Bush Sr. that used the phrase "Read my lips" but this point is well made as it appears to be DNC talking points that permeated our government through partisan infiltration by design as a means to control the executive branch through an exterior organization much as the CFR and the UN attempt to do...

Why Is Colin Kaepernick Still Looking for a Job?
Why Is Colin Kaepernick Still Looking for a Job?
You run into all sorts of people in New York City, and these days you might see a muscular, freakishly athletic, highly motivated 225-pound vegan who has divided the country.

So this millionaire has a go fund me page?
I like him even less now just knowing that!

North Carolina Senate passes repeal of transgender bathroom law
North Carolina Senate passes repeal of transgender bathroom law
North Carolina legislators were set to vote on Thursday on a deal to repeal a law prohibiting transgender people from using restrooms in accordance with their gender identities, a measure that has prompted boycotts by companies and sports leagues.

Firstly, It is the gay lobby that is behind use of this issue as a bargaining chip – no matter how hard they try to distance themselves from it.
Secondly, these corporations have become the moral dictators and are forcing their company HR policies upon the public.
Third and finally, It amazes me that it was Republicans that went to a Democrat to get this law overturned on both counts for more than one reason...

America’s Best Spring Drives
America’s Best Spring Drives
Look around you. Do you see blossoming flowers, colorful parks, striking natural attractions, woodlands, and small quaint towns?

Tis the season to be outdoors enjoying the fresh recovery of our economic upturn.
We should be burning gas and wasting cash on sight seeing and buzzing back and forth rather than putting commitment and equity into our existing state of run down and "save it for later" lifestyle over the past several months.
Go forth and spend your future - with a smile…

China's amazing engineering marvels
China's amazing engineering marvels
China's amazing engineering marvels

In heavy contrast to the last story this one shows what you can accomplish when you work hard and focus on a project.
If you spend all your money and time going places and consuming things how can you expect to build a castle?

Pence breaks tie, allowing Senate to revoke Obama order on abortion provider funding
Pence breaks tie, allowing Senate to revoke Obama abortion order provider funding
Vice President Mike Pence returned to the Senate Thursday afternoon -- the second time in one day -- to cast a tie-breaking vote on legislation to undo an Obama-era regulation on funding for abortion providers.


'Dawson's Creek' haunts James Van Der Beek in awkward interview
'Dawson's Creek' haunts James Van Der Beek in awkward interview
Although it's been almost 20 years, the cast of Dawson's Creek can seem to escape the specter of the beloved teen drama, but that's not always a bad thing.

Slightly awkward but a great interview none the less.

Professional signer Jewel destroys karaoke night in diguise - YouTube
Professional signer Jewel destroys karaoke night in disguise
Professional signer Jewel destroys karaoke night in disguise

I was really enjoying the video and the vibe until the drunk guy started screaming I love you in a deep aggressive voice at

Best Character Introduction in Cinema History - John Wayne - Big Jake - YouTube
Best Character Introduction in Cinema History - John Wayne - Big Jake
John Wayne's opening scene of 1971's Big Jake. Some cattle ranchers are attempting to hang a sheep herder who they believe are infringing on their grazing la…

Remember when Americans used to be tough yet moral?
Boy have things changed!

Must Watch: Climatologist Breaks the Silence on Global Warming Groupthink - YouTube
Must Watch: Climatologist Breaks the Silence on Global Warming Groupthink
TRANSCRIPT: climatologist-breaks-the-silence-on-global-warming-groupthink/ Dr. Judith Curry is Professor and former Chair of th…

One that uses brain is slow to use mouth.
This one weighted honesty over self preservation.
Global warming is a profit generator created by Al Gore and the then head of Exxon...

Global warming Is a Blatant Lie & this Short video proves it . - YouTube
Global warming Is a Blatant Lie & this Short video proves it . - YouTube
Global warming is a blatant lie and history has proven that. Take a listen to this short video and then please voice your opinions and concerns. I am confide…

97% of scientists agree that only 3% of scientists believe in the scientific method...

"You want to send people to jail for exercising their rights?" Trey Gowdy battles Census Bureau - YouTube
"You want to send people to jail for exercising their rights?" Trey Gowdy
trey gowdy shreds these clowns census wants to send people to jail for exercising their rights.. treys not having it original broadcast date: mar 6 2012

This guy is really on top of precise language and meaning and does not appear to use it to manipulate but rather to defend.

BREAKING 3 States Just Confirmed Who Hacked The Election! AND OBAMA LIED! - YouTube
3 States Just Confirmed Who Hacked The Election! AND OBAMA LIED!
BREAKING 3 States Just Confirmed Who Hacked The Election! AND OBAMA LIED! Check The Source Here: Be a Proud Patriot, Wear Your America T…

And the plot thickens...

SEE IT: Smart Congresswoman CATCHES Comey Breaking Rules. Do You Support Her? - YouTube
Congresswoman CATCHES Comey Breaking Rules. Do You Support Her?
SEE IT: Smart Congresswoman CATCHES Comey Breaking Rules. Do You Support Her?...

"She really did get him good".


CNN Investigates Russian Salad Dressing - YouTube
CNN Investigates Russian Salad Dressing - YouTube
CNN Investigates Russian Salad Dressing
CNN does an investigation into Russian salad dressing after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer mocked reporters for their continued Russian Conspiracy T…

This is not a joke.
This is real.
CNN is fake news...


Sub for more: | Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, Lt. General Thomas McInerney appeared on Fox News to discuss Obama…

McInerney throws a straight fastball on Fox Business...

"Americans eat generic cereal while you eat a $44 breakfast that they paid for" Trey Gowdy's Furious - YouTube
this is absolutely nuts! trey gowdy goes berserk on gsa for overspending american taxpayers money "Americans eat generic cereal while you eat a $44 breakfast…

Standing up for the small guy...

Climate Scientist "The Ocean Ate My Global Warming" - YouTube
Chief climate scientist Heidi Cullen tries to answer some difficult questions from Senator Vitter, as alarmist Barbara Boxer chairs the Senate Hearing into G…

The confidence of Ms. SmokeNmirrors was jarred by the display of factual data from observation over the past 50 years...

Al Gore Despair as Global Warming Scam Fails - YouTube
Al Gore has a meltdown and despairs as his climate change alarm-ism fails with the general public in Australia. His worst fears are now being realized as he …

I chose facts above fear, Lol.
I simply paid attention to the news during the time period it became a key talking point with Al Gore pushing it and that he had no data or scientists until his rich buddy from Exxon came along...

New Hillary Clinton Classified Emails Discovered Previously Unreleased - YouTube
New Hillary Clinton Classified Emails Discovered Previously Unreleased

What Chelsea Clinton Was Just Caught Doing Could Destroy Hillary Once & For All!! - YouTube
New Hillary Clinton Classified Emails Discovered Previously Unreleased

Know real news from fake?
Test yourself to see whether you can differentiate fact from fiction and the truth from an urban legend.

15 basic misconceptions that will make you question what you've been taught.
After the quiz they will be turned upside down with statistics extrapolated from a different than typical perspective.
This will help CNN and other MSM attempt to refill you with more of their biased facts.
CNN and other MSM will define fake news for you.
CNN and MSM will do the thinking from now on.
Believe in CNN and the MSM.
CNN is news.
Really Really Fake News,

Witness account highlights dangers of texting while driving
A witness says the driver of a pickup truck that collided with a church minibus in rural Texas, killing 13 people, acknowledged he had been texting while driving — a development that highlights the dangers of sending messages on smartphones while behind the wheel.

So the 13 dead +2 injuries in the Texas church bus accident appear to have occurred due to  texting while driving...

Conway racked up consulting gigs last year, financial forms show
Kellyanne Conway made 10 paid speaking gigs and held down 66 consulting clients in the midst of the 2016 presidential campaign, according to newly disclosed financial disclosure forms.

Strong woman + republican views = bad news for democrats;
Quick, find more ways to demonize her.
If she's not dehumanized soon other women will begin to open their eyes.
Did Hillary's loss not solidify all sexes and genders are tired of having life and thought controlled by democratic doctrine?
So far it appears the new head of the DNC has the right idea, fire everybody...Lol
He's helping to drain the swamp because the democrats have become political jihadists rather than a party that works within the confines of the constitution.
Perhaps this next iteration of Democrats will be Americans again rather than globalist UN and CFR insurgents and infiltrators...

Sanders defends Trump voters: I don't think they're racists, sexists or homophobes
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) on Friday defended voters of President Trump, saying that the election was Democrats' to lose and that the party needs to better represent the working-class voters who supported Trump and other GOP lawmakers.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Bernie and Trump ran on the same message for different parties.
That makes Bernie Sanders the Ross Perot of 2016...