
Day5 Perimeter Trail is Done!!! - YouTube

Day5 Perimeter Trail is Done!!!Today was the day! Front half and back half of trail are connected. Plenty of water features and tunnels under tree cover & vines. Watch the video... Read more >>

Day3: Free Firewood Sort & Cleanup - YouTube

Day3: Free Firewood Sort & Cleanup Broke out the 20+ year old Ryobi sawzall to finish the large limbs then cleaned up by grabbing some of the thatch to complete my firewood setup. tiny... Read more >>

Day2: Free Firewood from Fallen Tree - YouTube

Day2: Free Firewood from Fallen TreeToday was sorting, processing, and explaining how and why I am doing things the way I do them. Tomorrow will be almost all work of my 20+ yo old Ryobi... Read more >>

Blocked Trail or Free Firewood? - YouTube

Blocked Trail or Free Firewood?A dead standing tree fell over an access trail last year during a severe and windy storm. The trail has been cleared and carved out again & the tr... Read more >>

Day1: Free Wood Process & Planning - YouTube

Day1: Free Wood Process & PlanningFirst day of wood processing and future plans for the surrounding property. So many sticks and twigs to size up and large limbs to sawzall...

One of Many Global Warming & Climate Change Debates

One of Many Global Warming & Climate Change Debates Current climate theories rely upon metrics already known to our planet without explaining the changes to others happening simultaneously and without taking these new variables (or solar activity at all) into account.... Read more >>

Jordan Peterson Individual VS Michael Dyson Identity Politics

Jordan Peterson Individual VS Michael Dyson Identity Politics Is Jordan Peterson an angry white man or is Michael Dyson slighting an individual to advance a political group?

Jordan Peterson ideals from pe...

What to expect from Friday`s massive National School Walkout

What to expect from Friday`s massive National School Walkout If you think students are done protesting gun violence, get ready for the National School Walkout.

What are the goals of this walkout?


Could an advanced civilization have existed on earth before humans?

Could an advanced civilization have existed on earth before humans? Modern humans certainly qualify as an advanced civilization, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are the planet's first

Perhaps it was the An...

Dem lawmaker calls on Fox News to fire Hannity

Dem lawmaker calls on Fox News to fire Hannity Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) said Monday Fox News should fire Sean Hannity in the wake of the revelation that he is a client of President Trump's pers... Read more >>

Gliding Leaf Frogs | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Gliding Leaf Frogs | Planet Earth | BBC Earth Breathtaking slow motion footage of the male Gliding Leaf Frog taking flight. In slowing his descent he uses his extra large webbed feet like a Parac... Read more >>

Arnold Schwarzenegger`s First Words After Open Heart Surgery: `I`m back`

Arnold Schwarzenegger`s First Words After Open Heart Surgery: `I`m back` Arnold Schwarzenegger is stable and recovering after undergoing open-heart surgery following complications that arose during a planned heart valve re... Read more >>

UN employee says top official `forced himself` on her

UN employee says top official `forced himself` on her A United Nations employee who says she was sexually assaulted by a top UN official has spoken publicly for the first time, alleging she was offered a... Read more >>

Why Trump and the GOP are gaining

Why Trump and the GOP are gaining Editor's note: The opinions in this article are the author's, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN... Read more >>

Drunk tourists grope locals in the Cook Islands

Drunk tourists grope locals in the Cook Islands Drunk tourists groping and propositioning locals in a Pacific paradise are leading many to quit their jobs, a new study has found.

In one case o...