
The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun
The global crackdown on parents who refuse vaccines for their kids has begun
Countries like Italy and Australia are tired of measles outbreaks — so they're moving to fine anti-vaccine parents.

So the individually named countries, all of which are in the UN, are acting in concert as a unified front against the parental rights and wishes of their individual citizens?
So if the NWO is against anti-Vaxxers I guess the NWO and other alphabet subsidiaries, including Alphabet – LOL, must have MY best interest in mind.
The NWO are anti-individual choice against those dumb idiots the globalist media taught me about over the past few years.
Some anti-Vaxxers believe in God above profit and the individual over the collective, the horror!
These leftist supporters are so, um – left in the dark.

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