
Science Has Found Proof of the Existence of God!

Science Has Found Proof of the Existence of God!How to be Saved from Hell: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from th... Read more >>

Redditor apologizes for creating CNN takedown video tweeted by Trump
Redditor apologizes for creating CNN takedown video tweeted by Trump
The Reddit user behind the now-famous video showing Trump body-slamming the CNN logo, apologized Tuesday in a post on the website.

So he was coerced by CNN through fear of having his life violated and turned upside down by drove of employees and Democrat/Progressive sympathizers after the intent of his popular meme underwent the skewing and twisting of logic of wordsmiths that made him into a boogie monster?
CNN is fake News & the Hill is complicit...

CNN Blackmails Trump `Body Slam` Video Creator

CNN Blackmails Trump `Body Slam` Video CreatorCNN blackmailed the maker of the animated gif of Trump 'body slamming' CNN, saying they would publish his identity if he makes another one. Media anal... Read more >>


Sub for more: | Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, A CNN panel had a complete meltdown on Sunday when a Trump support…

She should've stood up and screamed, "YOU need to calm down!!!", followed by, "Why is Vince McMahon not suing for slander after being associated with CNN?"

My Experience after living in my van for 6 months - YouTube

My Experience after living in my van for 6 months
I asked people on Instagram for questions about van life. I'm sharing my experience on the subject. Hope you enjoy! Follow me on Instagram for more content :…

the price of tats alone could've fed me for months while I was actually living in van rather than simply sleeping in one... Trendy/youth/honorable-but-still-I-mean-c'mon...
a van dweller...

Tucker Carlson Asks, 'How Did Maxine Waters Afford $4 3 Million Home?' - YouTube

Tucker Carlson Asks, 'How Did Maxine Waters Afford $4 3 Million Home?'
Winship on another level. Visit us at Indeud.

When can I be HUD secretary?

For Melania Trump, a cyberbullying pledge followed by inaction
For Melania Trump, a cyberbullying pledge followed by inaction
When Melania Trump pledged to make combating cyberbullies a pet issue last November, the idea was met with a healthy measure of skepticism.

You're right! She should be helping the Reddit user that CNN has threatened!
A multi-billion dollar corp against a meme creator?

CNN Blackmails Han Solo #CNNBlackmail - YouTube

CNN Blackmails Han Solo #CNNBlackmail
This is truly disgusting behavior.... A new low even for CNN... It's a MEME!!!! Get over it. #CNNBlackmail Want to support the channel? Buy some merch or bec…

CNN, lol

Science Has Found Proof of the Existence of God!

Science Has Found Proof of the Existence of God!How to be Saved from Hell: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from th... Read more >>

Big Bird In Black The Habitual Lying Liberal Picked The Wrong Day To Take On Kennedy Over Guns - YouTube

Big Bird Picked The Wrong Day To Take On Kennedy Over Guns
Big Bird In Black The Habitual Lying Liberal Picked The Wrong Day To Take On Kennedy Over Guns 6 / 15 / 2017

The best defense of liberal SJWs of MTV today is Kennedy from back when punk was real and violence was met with an over-powering backlash rather than fear.
Fight or flight has been replaced with fight or whine.

Trump's Twitter battle with press may come with a price
Trump's Twitter battle with press may come with a price
Whether by whim or design, President Donald Trump keeps adding fuel to his incendiary Twitter battle against the media.

?Is the media the teacher of victim mentality or have enough students of "how to perceive yourself as a victim" class recently graduated into the media corps and viewership bases?

Trump tweets 'fake news' taunts more often than policy
Trump tweets 'fake news' taunts more often than policy
President Trump cares more about tearing down the news media than building a wall along the Mexican border — at least according to his Twitter feed.

Why does he need to tweet about what the official white house website posts upon his signing?
Check out the laws, vetos, executive orders and more. It's all publicly available...

What People WON'T Be Thinking About on July 4th - YouTube

What People WON'T Be Thinking About on July 4th
You'll WANT to get one of these flashlights. Why? Blinding Light; it's hard to DESTROY; has Rechargeable batteries and will last you a LONG LONG time...and y…

So I am unsure as to the singular goal of this channel and/or intent of your message.
Some days you are pro-Trump draining the swamp.
Other days you are anti-Trump saying he wields too much power.
Yet others like today it appears you are anti-US republic in general.
Are you anti-bank, pro-republic, or anarchy?

Poll: More Americans trust CNN than Trump
Poll: More Americans trust CNN than Trump
A new online poll finds that Americans trust CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times more than President Trump, Axios reported Tuesday.

Fake polls!
What level headed person above age 18 takes an honest survey at a place with monkey in the name?
Was this a survey of high school and early college dropouts?

Rumors of violence prompt Hamlet to cancel July 4th festival
Rumors of violence prompt Hamlet to cancel July 4th festival
The Richmond County town of Hamlet, 80 miles east of Charlotte, abruptly canceled its July 4th celebration due to threats of violence.

Watermelons are racist, food is fat shaming, and fireworks is putting your nose in the air to the rest of the world.
It's good that they shut this down to shine light on how weak, fat, and black/rainbow/non-white lives Americas become.
Vote Democrat and let all your Shi'ite hang out.
Putin is counting on YOU!

Invited then uninvited to a wedding...
Invited then uninvited to a wedding...
Invited then uninvited to a wedding...
Invited to my son's wedding, I proposed we all meet up prior to arrival to ensure all parties were present prior to the ceremony to ensure there were no interruptions.
I offered my opinion on their idea of getting dressed in formal wedding attire merely to hold their ceremony in front of a county judge in a busy courthouse and passing through metal detectors and sitting rank and file with those awaiting arraignment as a bit overboard and likened it to being on Jerry Springer adding I thought it might be more acceptable to do so if they were in Vegas or Atlantic City.
I proceeded to arrange a last gathering between father and son prior to the day with my son to finalize our meeting time and date by phone the next day after work.
I was emailed an in-invitation telling me I was vulgar and insulted them both separately and as a couple with the closing line of "Please make things easier for everyone and just not arrive."
The letter was most obviously not from my son as it began very formally and progressively became more emotional, more personal, and more retaliatory as though I had somehow attacked them, or her, while arranging for a night out with my Jr.
Yeah, well, anyway...
Here's a draft I wrote but have not [yet] sent and/or may not send.

The message was most obviously not written by the person I helped raise.
My son neither speaks nor writes that way.
Frankly, I don't believe he perceives any intent or speech from me in that way.
My son knows who and how I am in a multitude of circumstances and under duress of a number stimuli.
All things come in due time.
I do not need nor do I desire your approval of me as a human being Katie.
Continue to put yourself on that pedestal and one day others will tire of holding you up as you look down upon them.
I don't believe Jr. will see this nor do I believe he gets receipt of my messages and/or calls but, Jr. should you read this message please note it was written as a reply and I implore you to explore why communications appear to be so few and far between.
I've been the bad guy my whole life [as a Christian straight white male] so don't think this is anything more than just another day in the let down humanity pushes upon its children.
I'm used to it, the children [mine and now yours] are the ones suffering from those that continue to throw stones while living in glass houses well after my time to want to be in the spotlight has already passed.
Vulgarity is not having a different opinion or using a curse word.
An insult is not relaying understanding of a different perspective.
Your visceral reaction to my airing of an opinion then wielding your emotional persuasion when choosing to include and then later disclude parents from formal incremental life events as if to award, punish, or wield control is vulgar.
You are only limiting the experiences, free will, and free thought of those that live in the shadow cast by your pedestal that you propose you are protecting from little old misinformed insensitive granddaddy and father of he, then others, who came from my seed.
You are the vessel of my lineage as bearer of the child of my son.
Your children, my Junior, and upon marriage, you, will become one of two branches from the trunk of my family tree by law, religion, and common practice of western culture.


Hey Jr., had to be said & you know it.
Think "red flag, on fire, screaming at me - but I didn't listen".
Call me...